Global News BC: ‘It’s violence’: Racial slur added to Summerland Secondary School sign #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SummerlandSecondarySchool #districtofsummerland #SchoolDistrict67 #WelcomeBackSign #SummerlandRCMP #southokanagan #RacialSlur #summerland #ToniBoot #Racism #Racist #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #summerlandsecondaryschool #districtofsummerland #schooldistrict67 #welcomebacksign #summerlandrcmp #southokanagan #racialslur #summerland #toniboot #racism #racist #crime
"Eisenberger Mohrenfest"
blöde Entscheidung, denke ich, so ein Fest nicht namentlich dem Puls der Zeit anzupassen
da lese ich:
"2019 hatte die Stadt Eisenberg den Namen für das Fest gemeinsam mit einer Werbeagentur entwickelt"
"Es ist außerhalb der Stadt und der Region nur schwer zu vermitteln, dass sich die Identität einer Kreisstadt ausschließlich auf eine mit rassistischen Klischees überhäufte Sagenfigur gründet, deren Existenz nicht einmal historisch belegt ist."
#rassismus #thuringen #ethnicslur #racialslur
Mother fatally shot by neighbor after dispute over playing children :
The sheriff pointed out that because of Florida's "stand your ground" law, he can't legally make an arrest unless he can prove the shooter did not act in self-defense.
#BenjaminCrump #BillyWoods #civilrights #gunviolence #MarionCounty #Ocala #racialslur #shooting #Standyourground
#Miami #news
#benjamincrump #billywoods #civilrights #gunviolence #marioncounty #ocala #racialslur #Shooting #standyourground #miami #News
How retarded or ignorant can he be with his heritage, when he starts with racial slur?
Let us hope someone beats him into pulp in the boxing ring, to teach him a lesson!
#racism #racialslur #ignorance
This happens far too many times in our leftist-driven hyper-sensitive culture.
#mistakenidentity #racialslur #fan #BYU
This happens far too many times in our leftist-driven hyper-sensitive culture.
#mistakenidentity #racialslur #fan #BYU
This happens far too many times in our leftist-driven hyper-sensitive culture.
#mistakenidentity #racialslur #fan #BYU
This happens far too many times in our leftist-driven hyper-sensitive culture.
#mistakenidentity #racialslur #fan #BYU