«According to the #BrookingsInstitute, homes in Black neighborhoods are valued at 23% less than those in non-Black neighborhoods despite having similar quality and amenities.
Advocates for #Black homeowners say this bias contributes to the #RacialWealthGap because it limits the financial returns of real estate for Black families.»
#brookingsinstitute #black #racialwealthgap
Racial wealth gap grows
Discrimination sets us apart
Seeking success barred
#racialwealthgap #discrimination #equality #haiku #poetry
#racialwealthgap #discrimination #equality #haiku #poetry
How Big Finance Is Bankrupting Black America | Emily Flitter | TMR
#SamSeder #EmmaVigeland #MajorityReport #politics #news #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal #racialwealthgap #crypto #newyorktimes #nytimesguild #emilyflitter
#samseder #emmavigeland #majorityreport #politics #news #progressive #leftist #Democrats #liberal #racialwealthgap #crypto #NewYorkTimes #nytimesguild #emilyflitter
I have a book about the racial wealth gap that boggled my mind *years* ago.
The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the U.S. Racial Wealth Divide - by Barbara Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, and Rose Brewer
A fantastic primer for folks unfamiliar with the concept, policies, and history in the US.
It also had some great discussion guides.
Disheartening that the US has learned *nothing* since and done even less.
#histodon #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #racialwealthgap
@DeliaChristina this list looks incredible. I have #HowWeGetFree from #KeeangaYamahttaTaylor on my wish list but have mostly only read excerpts from #RaceForProfit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership for research I did at my last job on the history of the #RacialWealthGap
My role was to interrogate how the history of housing and economic development policies in the U.S. shaped health impacts
#howwegetfree #keeangayamahttataylor #raceforprofit #racialwealthgap #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #sdoh #healthequity #publichealth
Accounting for Black-White Wealth Differences: A Stylized Model of Wealth Accumulation: New paper by Kathryn Edwards at #RAND
#racialwealthgap #racialequity #inequality #wealth #sociology #socialpolicy #taxpolicy cc @philipncohen
#rand #racialwealthgap #racialequity #inequality #wealth #sociology #SocialPolicy #taxpolicy