A day as today, Ferrari is celebrating the heritage with a timeline. The history of this car brand in the racing car is wonderful. But, in the current season, Ferrari is not going well at the F1, still be an important brand in that world.
Seeing it's IWD here's a YouTube tribute to a great women racing driver most people have probably never heard of.
#iwd #cars #racingcar
At the KFG University Club on December 7, speakers from KIT, @torcrobotics@twitter.com and @KA_RaceIng@twitter.com will talk about the topic "#AutonomousDriving – magic or sensoric?". In addition, KIT student group KA-RaceIng will present their latest electric #RacingCar. https://www.kit.edu/kit/veranstaltungskalender.php/event/48323
#Oldtimer-#Rennauto beim #Bergrennen ... obwohl, damals war das ja ein Neuwagen!
#Autorennen #race #racecar #carrace #racingcar #hillclimb #hillclimbracing #BlackAndWhite https://www.instagram.com/p/BvKO7p2hasC/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=hyws7gjc2dfc
#oldtimer #rennauto #bergrennen #autorennen #race #racecar #carrace #racingcar #hillclimb #hillclimbracing #blackandwhite
Und noch ein #BMW beim #Autorennen!
#Bergrennen #Auto #Autorennen #Oldtimer #hillclimbracing #hillclimb #car #carracing #racingcar https://www.instagram.com/p/BvFCWcjBrXe/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1dfs8rqfv9ajx
#bmw #autorennen #bergrennen #auto #oldtimer #hillclimbracing #hillclimb #car #carracing #racingcar