I'm starting to set up the infrastructure to rev up the #GameDev of #TrackEvolution from a #SoloDeveloper to a virtual/remote team effort.
As I can't work on anything #UnrealEngine related while hospitalized, my work is mostly consisting of creating a Discord server (instead of Slack) and figure out if #Perforce or some other alternative is viable.
#simracing #racingsimulator #perforce #unrealengine #solodeveloper #trackevolution #gamedev
I just want to put this out there: I'm a solo developer currently doing a vertical slice demo of an online multiplayer racing simulator.
I plan to keep the future team small. But I'm looking for potential partners to work with: physics programmers, audio engineers, env. artists and vehicle modeler. Especially if you've been a modder of AC, AMS1, rF2 or GPL. Or maybe has experience of working with vehicles and driving experiences in game.
#racingsimulator #simracing #gameaudio #gamedev #game