bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

*Dear* makers of the magazine: is not a value. You have published racist shit in order to attack a legislator. This kind of crap is NOT covered by . This kind of crap shows a lack of respect and deep-rooted racism within your editorial team.

May your vile publication go out of business soon. There is too much in societies without media trying to amplify it.

#valeursactuelles #racism #mediafreedom #hatred #tagueule #racismbeatit #france

Last updated 4 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Great image from yesterday in : A activist carries away some rightwing extremist scum. Those knuckle-draggers had come to London to protect statues of slave owners, slave traders and actors of imperial crimes but ended up attacking the and pissing on a memorial plate for a cop killed in a terror attack instead. Truly Britains finest being carried away.

#london #blm #police #racismbeatit

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Noch ein kurzer Exkurs zur in der : Im Kanton wurde gestern der Kantonsrat gewählt. Auf der -Liste im : Ein bundesgerichtlich beglaubigter Neonazi-Sympathisant und Rassist, der im Januar von seiner Partei ausgeschlossen worden ist, aber nicht mehr von den bereits gedruckten Listen genommen werden konnte. Nun denn: wurde auf den letzten Platz durchgereicht, wo Typen wie er hingehören. In your face, Mäsi, gnihihi!

#politik #schweiz #stgallen #svp #Rheintal #Toeltl #racismbeatit #Wahlen2020

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Aan het racistische schorem dat kennelijk in in het -stadion zit: Stik de moord en krijg de typhus, stelletje eikelbijters. Jullie zijn een schande voor heel . is geen mening en niet beschermd door de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Racisme is verbale haat en verdient maar iets: een keiharde reactie. Knuppels en vuisten voor dat tuig.

#denbosch #voetbal #nederland #racisme #racismbeatit

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

Can we have a for ? That massively muppet claims to be a masters student in - and then states that only white people stem from Adam and Eve and black folks origin from monkeys. This is equally racist and garbage. The university that Lomelino is attending should take a very strict look at his works. And is just as shit as the , attracting all these despicable .

#slowclap #thomaslomelino #racist #biology #creationist #vlaamsbelang #fpoe #whitesupremacists #racismbeatit

Last updated 5 years ago

bikejourno · @bikejourno
337 followers · 4903 posts · Server

What do stupid |s do on Tinder?
Well, being stupid racist broflakes trying to trigger more open-minded people, what else? is a disgusting pile of crappy racists and homophobes, and is just another of those divisive fuckheads. No need to leave a party already known for being appallingly racist, you muppet!

#racist #broflake #vlaamsbelang #thomaslomelino #racismbeatit #belgium

Last updated 5 years ago