@Fayedray That's right. The Nazis' Nuremberg race laws were to a great deal inspired by America's racist measures, rules & laws disadvantaging, disenfranchising, dehumanizing & humiliating African Americans, being in certain parts so despicably racist & inhumane, that even the genocidal Nazis shied away from adopting them to their antisemitic racist agenda.

"Roland Freisler [,who sentenced countless members of German resistance to death, after publicly humiliating them in court], who would become president of the Nazi People’s Court, declared that American jurisprudence “would suit us perfectly.”"

And that's, what misleading slavery-apologists & -demagogues like DeSantis would like to comfortably sweep under the rug to intoxicate gullible voters for personal gain.


#drainracism #racismepidemic #racism #humanitymatters #blacklivesmatter #blm #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago