@rowenamonde I'm almost always the only masked person in indoor public places. It fucking sucks that so many people treat covid like it's over/not serious. I only got 3 racist glares today & that's an improvement here. Been attacked for wearing a mask several times over past 3 yrs. One guy spat on my Mom after calling her a stupid Chinese disease carrier. That's what we had to experience in public. It's not OK.
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #racismincanada
(Under Siew’s active advocacy, the Ontario Ministry of Education has decided to include examples and sample questions related to Chinese Exclusion Act and Chinese Head Tax into mandatory learning in elementary and secondary curriculum.)
#AsianMastodon #AsianCanadian #AntiAsianRacismEducation #Ontario #PublicEducation #PublicSchools #ChineseCanadian #ChineseExclusionAct #decolonization #ChineseInCanada #ChineseHeadTax #CanadianHistory #RacismInCanada #MandatoryEducation
#asianmastodon #asiancanadian #antiasianracismeducation #ontario #publiceducation #publicschools #chinesecanadian #chineseexclusionact #decolonization #chineseincanada #chineseheadtax #canadianhistory #racismincanada #mandatoryeducation
Sean Carleton, an #AssistantProfessor of #history and #IndigenousStudies at the #UniversityOfManitoba , is at the former grounds of #Shingwauk #ResidentialSchool at #AlgomaUniversity today, where he delivered a #lecture on residential school #denialism as it continues to gain ground in “ #extreme #RightWing ” circles in #Canada .
#Indigenous #EveryChildMatters #RacismInCanada #fascism #bigotry #StopRacism #HumanRights #NativeKidsMatter #KKKanada #NativeRights #IndianAct
#assistantprofessor #history #indigenousstudies #universityofmanitoba #shingwauk #residentialschool #algomauniversity #lecture #denialism #extreme #rightwing #canada #indigenous #everychildmatters #racismincanada #fascism #bigotry #stopracism #humanrights #nativekidsmatter #KKKanada #nativerights #indianact
RCMP reveals which provinces’ Mounties did least amount of mandatory anti-racism training
Four years and 51 percent completed a three hour training. An organization rooted in racism can't get its members to sit down for a three hour video on racism? Throw the whole lot of them out.
#cdnpoli #racismincanada #rcmp #Canada #DefundThePolice