@RobertMaguire Good thread on #RacistCops #PoliceViolence #AntiochPD illegalities - a Bay Area suburban community that went from white to diverse in the late 20th Cty where cops joke about assaulting #Black residents
#black #antiochpd #policeviolence #racistcops
Bad News: Episode #50
Bad News #50: Angry Voices From Around The World
Welcome to the 50th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Aro
#EnglischsprachigeBeiträge #Abolition #Belarus #Border #DirectAction #Domino'sPizza #FoodDistribution #GigEconomy #GiorgosZantiotis #Migration #Poland #Police #PoliceMurder #PoliceViolence #Policing #racism #RacistCops #Refugees #Repression #solidarity #uprising #WesternBalkan #WorkersStruggle
#EnglischsprachigeBeiträge #Abolition #belarus #border #directaction #domino #FoodDistribution #gigeconomy #GiorgosZantiotis #migration #poland #police #policemurder #policeviolence #policing #racism #racistcops #refugees #repression #solidarity #uprising #WesternBalkan #WorkersStruggle