Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
844 followers · 1925 posts · Server

’s the Correct Color of Bees? In Austria, It’s a Toxic Topic.
In the Austrian state of Carinthia, where the law favors light-colored local bees, those honey producers judged “too dark” risk eradication."
"Carinthia’s law has supporters among the state’s apiarists.... The neighboring state of Styria has a similar law.
But the law’s opponents see the echo of the area’s Nazi past & cite Nazi history to further their point."

#what #racisttropes #bees #austria #beekeeping

Last updated 2 years ago

thinkStory · @thinkStory
209 followers · 601 posts · Server

Here's a detailed and insightful video explainer on how to avoid in fantasy writing, in particular . Halloween themed but relevant all year round! (And you know there's some very well-known examples of authors who have failed at this.)

From Emeric Davis on TikTok.

here's Davis's website: and ni is a terrific follow on the 'Tok.

#writingtip #SensitivityTip #racisttropes #antisemitism #sensitivityreader #writingcommunity #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago