I didn't donate blood in #NYC but I did give a talk on Tuesday at the #NewmarkJSchool’s #UncoveringJusticeStories workshop--on the #PoliceKillings of Army Cpl #RomanDucksworth, Jr. in #Talorsville, #Mississippi in 1962 and #JohnWesleyWilder in #Ruston, #Louisiana in 1965.
New reporting on the Wilder case coming soon. Links to my reporting on Ducksworth at NPR and Frontline here: https://linktr.ee/bengreenberg
#nyc #newmarkjschool #uncoveringjusticestories #policekillings #romanducksworth #talorsville #mississippi #johnwesleywilder #ruston #Louisiana #journalism #cuny #racistviolence #policebrutality
Subway killer Daniel Penny thinks it's funny that he's being held accountable for murdering an unarmed homeless black man who committed the crime of being loud and obnoxious on a subway train. An innocent man unnecessarily had his life snuffed out, and this monster thinks it's a joke.
#JordanNeelyWasAPerson #JordanNeely #subwayvigilante #GOPfascists #racism #RacistViolence
#jordanneelywasaperson #jordanneely #subwayvigilante #GOPfascists #Racism #racistviolence
‘Stand your ground’: the US laws linked to rising deaths and racist violence https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/18/stand-your-ground-laws-us-deaths-racist-violence?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#USA #guns #standyourground #RacistViolence #racism #Murica #2ndamendment
#usa #guns #standyourground #racistviolence #racism #murica #2ndamendment
This is my previous thread on the #CliftonWalker murder distilled as a blog post: https://benlog.net/2023/02/28/racist-murder-of-clifton-walker-could-still-be-solved-after-59-years
#FBI #DOJ #BlackHistory #RacistViolence #ColdCase #histodons #lynching #SouthWestMississippi #murder #KKK #JohnLewis
#cliftonwalker #fbi #DOJ #BlackHistory #racistviolence #coldcase #histodons #lynching #southwestmississippi #murder #kkk #johnlewis
#OTD Feb 28, 1964, a white mob murdered #CliftonWalker near #Woodville Miss. It may be the 1st shooting of an #AfricanAmerican by the #Mississippi White Knights of the #KKK. At 37, Walker & his wife Ruby had 5 kids: Rubystein, Catherine, Shirley, Clifton Jr & Brenda. #DOJ reopened the case in 2009 & closed it again in 2013, with many leads ignored by the #FBI. #BlackHistory #RacistViolence #ColdCase #histodons #lynching #SouthWestMississippi #murder
🧵on my #investigation: https://journa.host/@beng/109819551364475890
#otd #cliftonwalker #woodville #africanamerican #mississippi #kkk #DOJ #fbi #BlackHistory #racistviolence #coldcase #histodons #lynching #southwestmississippi #murder #Investigation
Great piece by Rabbi #AryehCohen calling for the #Jewish community to get behind #abolition.
#JewSchool #mazeldon #PoliceBrutality #RacistViolence #TyreNichols #Memphis #LosAngeles #LAPD #TakarSmith #OscarSanchez #KeenanAnderson
#aryehcohen #jewish #abolition #jewschool #Mazeldon #policebrutality #racistviolence #tyrenichols #memphis #losangeles #LAPD #takarsmith #oscarsanchez #keenananderson
Today would be the 96th birthday of #CliftonWalker.
On February 28, 1964, near midnight, on a dirt road in #SouthwestMississippi, a mob of whites ambushed Walker. They stopped his car, gathered around it with shotguns and fired in at close range. It was possibly the first organized #lynching of a Black man by the #Mississippi White Knights of the #KuKluxKlan. No arrests have ever been made. The murder could still be solved.
#BlackHistory #RacistViolence #ColdCase #KKK (1/14) 🧵
#cliftonwalker #southwestmississippi #lynching #mississippi #kukluxklan #BlackHistory #racistviolence #coldcase #kkk
JFC, this racist shooter in Paris made a previous racist attack with A SWORD - and wasn’t in jail and got to kill 3 people today. WTAF France??? Horrible.
#magats #immigration #whiteextremism #racistviolence #news
In which I attempt to explain how trying to understand my dad's life led me to investigating #CivilRights #ColdCases:
#CivilRightsMovement #MLK #Birimingham #Alabama #blogging #RacistViolence #Mississippi (2)
#civilrights #coldcases #civilrightsmovement #mlk #birimingham #alabama #blogging #racistviolence #mississippi
Then in 2009 with #posterous, a #Tumblr competitor, and an #iphone, you could email #GoogleMaps locations, photos, video, text, voice etc to your account and they'd be autoformatted into posts, essentially #LiveBlogging my #investigation from the field with #geolocations and #RichMedia.
#journalism #CivilRights #ColdCases #RacistViolence #mississippi #histodons #blogging #SocialMedia #nptech
#posterous #tumblr #iphone #googlemaps #liveblogging #investigation #geolocations #richmedia #Journalism #civilrights #coldcases #racistviolence #mississippi #histodons #blogging #socialmedia #nptech
A few weeks ago I requested my #TwitterArchive and, thankfully, got it a week or so later. I *just* remembered I need to do this for my other, private, account that I joined with even earlier, in April 07. I used the private account to tweet live from the field in rural Southwest #Mississippi to a small group of colleagues and friends--before this was commonly done by #journalists. Hope I can still get the backup. #CivilRights #ColdCases #RacistViolence #journalism #histodons #nptech
#twitterarchive #mississippi #journalists #civilrights #coldcases #racistviolence #Journalism #histodons #nptech
Today was a good start to a #ReportingProject months in the making. #Journalism #CivilRights #ColdCase #louisiana #RacistViolence #WalkingWhileBlack #1960s
#reportingproject #Journalism #civilrights #coldcase #louisiana #racistviolence #walkingwhileblack #1960s