did some shopping on our Rad Bikes today. were immediately approached by an elderly couple asking "how do you like your Rad Bikes??", so we shared how much we love them.*
the reason they were familiar with the brand was that a lot of their friends apparently had bought a Rad Bike over the past year, and every single one of them just loves it.
* I am not earning a commission, although maybe I should be. 😅
A sentence I didn't think I'd be typing but my #goat ate my #eBike...or at least the front brake motor disengage cable. This goats going to be #birria #tacos way sooner than expected if he keeps it up.
#goat #ebike #birria #tacos #radpower #radbikes #bicycle #farmlife #homestead #ev
Does anyone have a RadRunner 1 or 2 with the double kickstand that could possibly measure it for me so I can figure out if it would fit my bike? I want to know the height from the top to the hinge, from the top to the feet when the kickstand is deployed, and the width of the feet. #BikeTooter #RadBikes