Received my #RadExpansionUnit from today and already soldered the few parts which were not SMD. Now all I need is a #RaspberryPi Zero 2 W which does not costs an arm and a leg and I will be ready to play Doom on my #c64. 🤪
#radexpansionunit #raspberrypi #c64
RAD Expansion Unit: it emulates a "REU" with up to 16MB (compatible to CBM 1700/1750/1764 REU,CLD Super 1750 Clone,CMD 1750/1750XL) and a Geo/NeoRAM memory expansion up to 4mb.
Eine Erweiterung die eine „REU“ mit bis zu 16MB (kompatibel m. CBM 1700/1750/1764 REU,CLD Super CPU Clone,CMD 1750/1750XL) und eine Geo/NeoRAM Erweiterung bis zu 4MB emuliert.
#gaming #videogames #retrogaming #retroconsole #retrogamingconsoles #c64 #commodorecomputer #REUC64 #RAMExpansionUnit #C64REU #RADExpansionUnit
#gaming #videogames #retrogaming #retroconsole #retrogamingconsoles #c64 #commodorecomputer #reuc64 #ramexpansionunit #c64reu #radexpansionunit