@twenty20sight If youre on iOS theres a lot of great options! I still havent decided on just one after two weeks. My top 3 in no order are:
1. IceCubes
2. Radiant
3. Wooly
I bounce between all of them at this point. I like IceCubes' posting features like using AI to help add tags or reword things (its nifty, even if its gimmicky). Radiant has some features IceCubes doesnt for your feed like multitags. Wooly is just very clean overall. Cant go wrong with any!
#icecubesapp #radiantapp #woolyapp
This is my life now. One of these days I'll commit to a single #Mastodon app... but today is not that day. :psyduck:
#mastodon #ios #ivoryapp #radiantapp #icecubesapp #indecision
Have you found the feed filters button yet? It lets you easily filter your timelines and feeds to see specific types of posts, for example only those with links or media.
This got a big improvement based on user feedback yesterday, so it now highlights when you have an option other than everything selected! A mutuals filter is also in the works.
Are there other filters you would like to see? Let me know!