#Radiation is good for you? The fringe viewpoint gains ground in the Trump administration
by Patrick Malone February 27, 2019
"These assertions [of #Radiation #Hormesis"] stand scientific consensus on its head. Most experts say to the contrary that even low doses of radiation cause cell damage that years later can promote uncontrolled cell growth and replication, and that children and fetuses are particularly susceptible to harm. That seven-decade-old view was reaffirmed as recently as last April [2018] in a study by a congressionally chartered nonprofit organization, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement.
"The study, overseen by a dozen experts from the government, academia, and industry, and funded by the NRC, considered 29 contemporary scientific studies of the effects of low-dose radiation in reaffirming that even low-level radiation should be avoided to the extent possible.
"'There is clear evidence of excess risks for many cancer types, such as bladder, breast, colon, stomach and lung,' from exposure to excess radiation, the report said. It acknowledged that at lower doses the relationship is less certain, but noted that several long studies of medical outcomes for tuberculosis patients given x-ray imaging known as fluoroscopy collectively showed “a straight-line relationship between breast tissue [radiation] dose and breast cancer, adding substantial weight to the judgment on the use of the [existing] model for radiation protection.'
"It added that 'there was no conclusive evidence' to refute the linear, or direct cause and effect, 'relationship for many of the risks attributable to low-level ionizing radiation' – essentially endorsing the mainstream insistence on low-dose protections as a prudent, cautionary measure. The NRC members will consider the report as they deliberate about the SARI members’ petition, McIntyre said."
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