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Climate risks by radioactive krypton-85 from nuclear fission. Atmospheric-electrical and air-chemical effects of ionizing radiation in the atmosphere

Klimarisiken durch radioaktives Krypton-85 aus der Kernspaltung. Luftelektrische und luftchemische Wirkungen ionisierender Strahlung in der Atmosphaere

Kollert, R., 1994

Abstract: [en] The study shows that krypton-85 from nuclear fission enhances air ionization and, thus, interferes with the atmospheric-electrical system and the water balance of the earth atmosphere. This is reason for concern: There are unforeseeable effects for weather and climate if the krypton-85 content of the earth atmosphere continues to rise. There may be a krypton-specific effect and a collapse of the natural atmospheric-electrical field. In addition, human well-being may be expected to be impaired as a result of the diminished atmospheric-electrical field. There is also the risk of radiochemical actions and effects caused-by krypton-85-containing plumes in other air-borne pollutants like the latters' transformation to aggressive oxidants. This implies radiation smog and more acid rain in the countries exposed. This study summarizes findings gained in these issues by various sciences, analyses them and elaborates hypotheses on the actions and effects of krypton-85 on the air, the atmosphere and the climate

#greenhouse #krypton85 #nonukes #nowar #nuclear #ionization #ClimateChange #greenhouseeffect #acidrain #radiationsmog

Last updated 1 year ago