"This strongly absorbing organic aerosol species is water insoluble, resists daytime photobleaching and increases in absorptivity with night-time atmospheric processing" [3] so that the "parameterizations of brown carbon in climate models" may "need to be revised to improve the estimation of #smoke #aerosol #RadiativeForcing and associated #warming", with potential consequences for the current #ClimateChange estimates
#smoke #aerosol #radiativeforcing #warming #ClimateChange
Mineral Dust Aerosol Impacts On Global Climate And Climate Change
https://phys.org/news/2023-01-atmospheric-masking-greenhouse-gases-effect.html <-- shared article
https://www.nature.com/articles/s43017-022-00379-5 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #global #spatialanalysis #atmosphere #dust #duststorm #climatechange #Earth #energybudget #preindustrial #anthropegenic #climatemodels #radiativeforcing #clouds #future #energy #emmision #deposition #sediment #dustmass #loading #nucleation
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #global #spatialanalysis #atmosphere #dust #duststorm #climatechange #earth #energybudget #preindustrial #anthropegenic #climatemodels #radiativeforcing #clouds #future #energy #emmision #deposition #sediment #dustmass #loading #nucleation