Do you really want to know why so many people are horrible and our cultures mostly suck?
It's about the #ContingenciesOfReinforcement people!
It's ALWAYS about the contingencies of reinforcement.
Download the book free:
#SystemFail #bfskinner #radicalbehaviorism #selectionbyconsequences #contingenciesofreinforcement
The responsibility for Trump, and the fact that millions of citizens think he's 'their man', rests squarely on our 'American culture'!
We create these people.
We create the killers, racists, misogynists: every hater.
The path toward a more enlightened, compassionate and empathic culture is knowable.
#SystemFail #CulturalEvolution #radicalbehaviorism
You seem to be suggesting that humans do NOT emit behavior derived from complex probabilities (contingencies of reinforcement).
#radicalbehaviorism #freewillvsdeterminism