Simone · @roughnecks
26 followers · 282 posts · Server

How-To per installazione/configurazione di , e su stable: se trovate imprecisioni fatemelo sapere!

#radicale #server #caldav #carddav #debian

Last updated 1 year ago

Naty :blobfoxcofeowo: · @eclecticpassions
21 followers · 169 posts · Server

@levi I remember reading on this and shortlisted a few but I didn't follow through so I'm not sure which is best. The two that I was gonna investigate were and .

#radicale #baikal

Last updated 1 year ago

Gérald SERAI · @geraldserai
18 followers · 5261 posts · Server
· @dasgrueneblatt
330 followers · 5042 posts · Server

@ff0000 I have installed on a machine at home, and the phone, laptop, etc sync to it when I'm at home in the lan. For and my .

It's /#carddav, so pretty platform agnostic I guess (I don't know about stuff, but / is really smooth)

#radicale #contacts #calendars #caldav #ios #linux #android #PersonalData #sync #phone #phonenumbers #email #nocloud

Last updated 1 year ago

· @frox
93 followers · 1254 posts · Server

@LunaRogue I used a while back for sharing calendars. Was pretty good. I want to try out at some point, I think it can do shared calendars too

#baikal #radicale

Last updated 1 year ago

Ok. It has something to to with QtQuick components. I installed and now works too. I can finally sync it with my calendar.

#kaidan #kalendar #radicale

Last updated 2 years ago

Waleed Mortaja :arch: · @waleedmortaja
1 followers · 29 posts · Server

@rice "but idk how to turn the certificates i made using the openssl command from the page into a ca certificate since im not sure the difference."

There is no difference in the structure between a normal certificate and CA certificate. The difference is in usage. CA certificates are used to sign other certificates. If you trust the CA certificate, you trust every certificate signed by the CA certificate.


Last updated 2 years ago

rice · @rice
6 followers · 53 posts · Server

idk wtf is causing that but i have a feeling the configuration needs to be using the SSLProxyCACertificateFile instead of just SSLCertificateFile directive since it's reverse proxy. but idk how to turn the certificates i made using the openssl command from the page into a ca certificate since im not sure the difference. apache docs say it's an all-in-one, so does that mean i just slap the contents of the cert and key into one file? if so, what order? please help 😭

#apache #radicale

Last updated 2 years ago

rice · @rice
6 followers · 51 posts · Server

how do i add SSL to my server?? i saw their little paragraph about it on their website but they only show an nginx configuration for that and not one for . im still learning so idk if it's from my conf file or something else but it's not working. the httpd service doesn't start anymore and it won't give me a useful error message.

#radicale #apache #selfhost #selfhosted #homeserver

Last updated 2 years ago

Otra cosa menos, servidor sincronizado con y dispositivos móviles

#radicale #emacs

Last updated 2 years ago

Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
395 followers · 518 posts · Server

Microsoft limita il chatbot Bing a soli 5 messaggi per evitare che l’AI diventi aggressivo

Le conversazioni troppo lunghe confondono , quindi le ha disattivate.

Microsoft ha annunciato un cambiamento del suo Bing , svelato per la prima volta al mondo la scorsa settimana.

A partire dal 18 febbraio, gli utenti che hanno accesso all’anteprima di Bing non potranno più liberamente con la sua (): le conversazioni saranno limitate a soli 5 per sessione e 50 al giorno.

#bing #microsoft #radicale #chatbot #ai #chattare #intelligenza #artificiale #messaggi #domande #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

Vivien · @gugurumbe
32 followers · 397 posts · Server

J’ai rentré la prescription des médicaments du chat dans ma liste de tâches. Le serveur exécute Radicale, et le client est le génial Evolution, livré par défaut avec Gnome.

C’est très agréable de simplement indiquer que la prescription se répète tous les 2 jours pour l’un et tous les 3 jours pour l’autre. Plus de casse-tête, Evolution m’indique tous les jours ce que je dois faire !

#gnome #evolution #radicale

Last updated 2 years ago

Yann Büchau :python: · @nobodyinperson
146 followers · 504 posts · Server

And with :gitannex: ' automatic conflict resolution, a simultaneous edit of events/contacts would (probably?) maintain both versions for review and not randomly select one.

(That however only if the files are annexed, meaning `git blame` and `git diff` aren't really helpful directly. They then would also need to be unlocked to be editable by , taking up twice the amount of storage and being a little slower. But that should be negligible.)

#gitannex #radicale

Last updated 2 years ago

Yann Büchau :python: · @nobodyinperson
146 followers · 503 posts · Server

I guess I could have a local server running on each device and e.g. have the :gitannex: assistant running for syncing...

It would be awesome to just `git log` or `git blame` an event / contact file to see who touched it and when.

#radicale #gitannex

Last updated 2 years ago

Yann Büchau :python: · @nobodyinperson
146 followers · 502 posts · Server

I'm sick of 📆 calendar/ 👥addressbook syncing weirdness.

:sailfishos: ' built-in and support is superb, but the more wildly different clients access the same server, weird things can happen (events deleted, recurring events weirdness, a million invitation mails, contact updates reset, etc...)

Is there :git: / :gitannex: -based / syncing?

I know can be made to git-track its data. But that's server-side...

#sailfishos #caldav #carddav #git #gitannex #radicale

Last updated 2 years ago

I boost therefore I am · @swordplay
120 followers · 3998 posts · Server

I recently moved to , syncing my contacts, todos and calendar to my phone (with a new, domain-based, basically unused non-google email address.)

I have a little itx server running and a instance (under inside OMV).

with on my Pixel 4a/5g.

All I have left to do to reach basic frictionless, private usage is set up to grab any photos I might take and move them to OMV. After that maybe a server for some ebooks.

So close to feeling private again, but the learning curve has been mountainous. Glad to have done it though it's taken a couple years in my spare time.

It's going to get better and better as I start to understand Docker and Portainer more thoroughly.

and for the win.

#linux #opensource #scifi #calibre #syncthing #davx5 #calyxos #portainer #docker #radicale #openmediavault #thunderbird

Last updated 2 years ago

Amans · @amans
2 followers · 16 posts · Server
GreyLinux :fedora: · @GreyLinux
202 followers · 639 posts · Server

@mo8it I've been interested in swapping to traefik , but the docs are not amazing not that caddy's docs are anything special either.

The sSnikket xmpp server a is a collection of four containers one of which gets certs for the snikket server. So currently I have caddy get the certs for home assistant and the cal DAV server (forgot to mention this in first post ) and pass-through the certs to the snikket cert container. I'm not really sure how to do this on traefik.


Last updated 2 years ago

fedithom · @fedithom
121 followers · 4334 posts · Server

Hey ,
is it even possible to run and some kind of emuation of on a Model 4 together?
NOTHING I tried has worked so far. Looks impossible to me, maybe can't run emus yet?
My Pi4 already runs , Kodi, , , acts as a and I really don't want to set the whole thing back up using as a base if I can help it.
Would @Raspberry_Pi have any input?
Boost highly welcome.

#retropie #nas #pihole #radicale #syncthing #RaspberryOS #raspberrypi #classicgames #kodi #itcrowd

Last updated 2 years ago

Kamath · @kamath
63 followers · 92 posts · Server

This week was good start towards a more concentrated effort toward self hosting with Radicale for calendar and tasks, Miniflux for RSS feeds and Owntracks for location tracking setup and running nicely.

#miniflux #owntracks #radicale

Last updated 2 years ago