#RadicalHistory Channel 🇬🇧
The forgotten radicals of the #EnglishCivilWar | The #Levellers
#radicalhistory #EnglishCivilWar #Levellers #history #uk #britain #england
Heute vor 30 Jahren starb Edward Palmer (E.P.) Thompson, britischer Sozialhistoriker, Sozialist, Wegbereiter der #GeschichteVonUnten, streitbarer Autor, MitgrĂĽnder mehrerer Zeitschriften (u.a. Past & Present), Antiatomwaffenaktivist ... ein kurzer Nachruf von Logie Barrow erschien seinerzeit in der #WerkstattGeschichte 6/1993, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/maennerleben-lebemaenner
#EPThompson #HistoryFromBelow #MoralEconomy #LaborHistory #Alltagsgeschichte #Sozialgeschichte #SocialHistory #RadicalHistory
#geschichtevonunten #werkstattgeschichte #epthompson #historyfrombelow #moraleconomy #laborhistory #Alltagsgeschichte #sozialgeschichte #socialhistory #radicalhistory
“So radicalism is discontentment with things as they are. Upon opening her mind, the radical perceives that something is amiss, and she finds herself unsatisfied with the existing state of affairs.”
#radicalism #radicalhistory #radicalthought #leftlibertarian #anarchism #antiauthoritarian
#radicalism #radicalhistory #radicalthought #leftlibertarian #anarchism #antiauthoritarian
What is the radical Left?
The radical Left is united by a shared endeavor to address the foundational roots of social injustices. It seeks to overthrow—not simply tweak—capitalist social relations. Leftists work towards the common goal of a stateless, classless society characterized by collective self-determination, worker control of production, and individual freedom and dignity.
In my historical approach, I emphasize active participation in antisystemic movements over theoretical distinctions. Yet clarification of differences is also necessary. Anarchists are antistate or libertarian socialists who advocate the reorganization of society into voluntary federations based in social equality and individual freedom. Syndicalists, who overlap substantially with anarchists, believe that revolutionary unions should prefigure the new world and act as the vehicles to re-organize society. The labels of socialism and communism are at times used interchangeably; this paper will follow the general approach of classifying socialists as those who pursue reformist strategies whereas communists advocate revolutionary seizure of state power by a vanguard party.
An undogmatic radical Left acknowledges significant ideological differences but manages to collaborate on common projects and struggles. Dogmatism and sectarianism have long been the bane of the Left, but the transnational history discussed in this article reveals alternative currents of theory and practice that are unconstrained by both national borders and rigid ideological lines. Indeed, transnational networks have often enabled non-sectarian connections and collaboration at multiple levels, stretching from Caribbean anarchist networks in the early twentieth century to the “provocative cocktail” of political traditions represented in the Zapatistas and other new social movements of the late twentieth century.
Read more in my recent article in Left History, "Radical Americas: A Hemispheric History of the Left" https://lh.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/lh/article/view/39672
#history #anarchism #syndicalism #socialism #communism #radicalhistory
#history #anarchism #Syndicalism #socialism #communism #radicalhistory
Check out my new IG if you enjoy anarchist history.
#anarchism #anarchist #anarchists #radicalhistory #anarchisthistory
#anarchism #Anarchist #anarchists #radicalhistory #anarchisthistory
"No peace for racists!" From Anti-Racist Action's "ARA News" in August 1995, which leads with an account of a successful action to shut down a white power Resistance Records show in St. Paul, which was supposed to feature the neo-Nazi band Bound for Glory. #antifa #radicalhistory
It was rainy today, but c'mon out tomorrow (Sun.) for my #RadicalHistory #WalkingTour of the #LowerEastSide. Every Sat & Sun, 3PM at the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space, 155 Ave. C. More than you'd pay for a movie in #Manhattan, but so much more worthwhile! http://www.morusnyc.org/sundays-300-radical-alphabet-city-tour/
#radicalhistory #walkingtour #lowereastside #manhattan
RT @helengoth
Early morning #WomensHistoryMonth #run in London to find places connected with #Suffragettes! #Running #RadicalHistory #BluePlaques
#womenshistorymonth #run #suffragettes #running #radicalhistory #blueplaques
"Fight the state, not its war!" Autonomous Anarchist Action (NYC affiliate of Love and Rage) marching in a demonstration against the Gulf War in 1991. Relevant again on the twentieth anniversary of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. #Antiwar #IraqWar #Anarchism #RadicalHistory
#antiwar #iraqwar #anarchism #radicalhistory
Noel Ignatiev's membership application letter to Love & Rage (1993). Ignatiev's ideas--particularly race traitor politics--had a substantial impact on Love & Rage and the broader anarchist movement, although he left the group after only a couple years.
#anarchism #anarchisthistory #radicalhistory
The archive of a magazine chronicling the lives of Britain’s black community during the 70s and 80s will be available online for the first time.
Race Today magazine, first launched in 1973, combined radical journalism with campaigning zeal to shine a light on the issues affecting Britain’s black communities, as well as providing insight and commentary on politics in Britain and abroad.
#RaceToday #BlackBritain #BlackHistory #RadicalHistory #WorkingClassHistory #History
#History #workingclasshistory #radicalhistory #blackhistory #blackbritain #racetoday
In a local bookshop, and had to buy this ! How could I refuse ?
#luddite #luddism #RadicalHistory #LocalHistory #SocialHistory #EnglishHistory
#EnglishHistory #socialhistory #LocalHistory #radicalhistory #luddism #luddite
No Business As Usual, 1986. Important radical formation in the 1980s that was essentially a front group for the RCP but also had many anarchists and other lefties involved. "The governments must be stopped from launching World War III, no matter what it takes!" #radicalhistory #anarchism
"Stop the war! Plan to oppose U.S. military escalation in Central America." Flyer from the Coalition to Stop the War, c. 1988.
The Coalition to Stop the War consisted of: Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, Lesbians for Peace and Justice, Macalester Central America Committee, Pledge of Resistance, Progressive Student Organization, Revolutionary Anarchist Bowling League, Socialist Workers Party, Young Socialist Alliance.
#radicalhistory #antiwar #anarchism
New this week!
Everything is Possible: Antifascism and the Makings of a Global Left during the Great Depression by Joseph Fronczak
With a global sweep, Everything Is Possible tells the story of antifascism’s origins and its most fabled political wars
#histodons #history #twitterstorians #books #newbooks #fascism #antifascism # laborandworking-classhistory #radicalhistory
#histodons #history #twitterstorians #books #newbooks #fascism #antifascism #radicalhistory
There always seems to be lots of half-baked and amateur pathologizing of the social/political radical, and this has re-emerged in another shape as mainstream Americans attempt to understand social phenomena such as radical antifascism, etc. Almost none of such “analysis” has much of a relationship to reality, I’d suppose, but we who may be lumped together in this category of radicals are certainly a type. I’ve never felt at home in this world; it has always seemed deeply alien to me, bound so deeply to social practices that just don’t make sense to me. Ever since I was a kid, it seemed clear to me that so many of the social pretenses to which we carefully tend are hiding monstrous practices. My friends in low places have been typically more thoughtful and insightful about this than my friends in high places, for reasons that will probably be obvious to anyone reading this. Anyway, apologies for the random though. #anarchism #anarchistmastodon #anarchistsofmastodon #anarchist #radical #radicalhistory #leftwinghistory #counterculture
#anarchism #anarchistmastodon #anarchistsofmastodon #Anarchist #radical #radicalhistory #leftwinghistory #counterculture
"tomorrow the revolution will rise up again, 'clashing its weapons', and to your horror it will proclaim with trumpets blazing: i was, i am, i shall be!"
on this day in 1919, jewish revolutionary rosa luxemburg & comrade karl liebknecht were murdered by the SDP german paramilitary to suppress revolution in berlin.
read about her life and work in RED ROSA, a graphic biography by kate evans:
ÂŁ12 suggested, down to ÂŁ0
#rosaluxemburg #jewish #socialism #otd #radicalhistory
Local radical history post 1/2
Meet 26 Mansfield St. Somerville.
Located near Target, and now a pentecostal church, in the 10s, 20s and 30s, this small house was a Casa del Popolo-- a collectively-run community center for Italian Americans. (There were Casas around the Italian diaspora-- and even back home in Italy.)
#radicalhistory #anarchy #somervillema
The Return of the Irrepressible: Anarchist inspired resistance in #Ukraine Then and Now
by Rui Preti for #FifthEstate
#ukraine #FifthEstate #anarchism #radicalhistory #russia