Is there such a thing as a *UK* Ecology for Gardeners book? Would love to start wading in to ecology
Something like this:
#gardening #ecology #EcologicalHorticulture #RadicalHorticulture
#radicalhorticulture #ecologicalhorticulture #ecology #gardening
@natureworks @DawnBlackbirds @RadicalAnthro
Nice to have a name for what I’m trying to create at a couple of sites.
I was half-joking when I said I'd set up #RadicalHorticulture as a thing:
Apparently Alan Titchmarsh feels a “diversity” of exotic plants is better for wildlife than a rewilded landscape. I mean, what the?!?!
Have a read of Rebecca McMackin's newsletter for more detail. The highlight is when she calls Titchmarsh “Garden Karen” 😂
#EcologicalHorticulture #gardening #rewilding #NativePlants #WildFlowers #ecology
#ecology #wildflowers #nativeplants #rewilding #gardening #ecologicalhorticulture #radicalhorticulture
My latest #ForestGarden newsletter is live!
#RadicalHorticulture, oh yes
#radicalhorticulture #forestgarden
I really think #ecology needs to somehow meld with #gardening.
Rebecca McMackin is one of my gardening heroes, she uses the term #EcologicalHorticulture
John Little, another gardening hero, has bessie friends who are ecologists
Maybe if ecology was taught *with* horticulture, that would be a good start? Start *with* #NativePlants? I dunno, just thinking #wildlife could do with a helping hand here.
#radicalhorticulture #wildlife #nativeplants #ecologicalhorticulture #gardening #ecology
Thanks to Benajmin Vogt, Rebecca McMackin, Martin Crawford, et al, I declare #RadicalHorticulture is now officially a thing 😁
* Every garden should be a #WildlifeGarden
* Use #NativePlants where possible
* Create habitat where you can
* Include the human, with #WildFlowers & edible crops
* Extend garden principles of mutual aid into the commons
* Grow edible ecosystems
#ForestGarden #WildlifeGardening #gardening
#gardening #wildlifegardening #forestgarden #wildflowers #nativeplants #wildlifegarden #radicalhorticulture
Is #RadicalHorticulture a thing? I want it to be a thing.
#gardening #radicalhorticulture