Caro S. · @Heidentweet
260 followers · 645 posts · Server

Working my way through the podcasts of Pluto Press, Radicals in Conversation Don't feel for the podcasts on the far-right now, more in the mood for solutions and inspiration.

#ABetterWorldIsPossible #radicalleft #plutopress #Podcast #AntiFascist #AbolishPrisonsAbolishPolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Ray Gulick 💗🌛 ⭐️ 🍀 · @rgulick
532 followers · 3753 posts · Server

Saw this from another account, reposting with .

#alttext #radicalleft

Last updated 1 year ago

BeePS · @BPStuart
591 followers · 5974 posts · Server


👉 The “RADICAL” LEFT calls them:
Poor People,
Hungry People,
Senior Citizens,
People of Color,
Homeless People,
Marginalized Groups,
People with Disabilities.

👉 The RADICAL RIGHT calls them:
“More fuckers who want
equal rights and equal pay: takers!”

#republicans #Equalpay #equalrights #namecalling #RadicalRight #radicalleft

Last updated 1 year ago

Rev.Dr. ChaoABunga Esq. :vepi: · @LapsusChao
100 followers · 1879 posts · Server

More of what we want from the


Last updated 2 years ago

David · @Aporkalypse666
89 followers · 901 posts · Server

Donald Frump just accused the "Radial Left" of hacking his phone.

Which is silly. We're way too busy for all that. And honestly I can barely remember how to get into my own phone most days.

#Hacking #radicalleft #Trump

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛ · @sean
1312 followers · 1600 posts · Server

There is no in the US today.

-Radical left would be: nationalize the fossil industry and banks, with all profits distributed to citizens.

-Radical left would be: all wealth of over $10 mil per person is taxed at 100%.

-Radical left would be: No private contributions to political campaigns. All elections publicly funded. Voting is mandatory. One person, one vote, abolish the electoral college, and the malapportioned Senate, and use computer-drawn districts of equal size, shape, and compactness.

-Radical left would be: Everyone who has an oversized truck not used for work pays a $5,000/year climate tax on that shit! And no new gas and diesel light truck sales to private individuals. Work trucks only--unless zero-emissions vehicles!

-Radical left would be: Tight rationing of fossil-produced energy. If you don't have solar panels or buy 100% renewable power, you don't get to have fucking air conditioning!

-Radical left would be: You have 30 days to turn in all guns and ammunition at your local police station, or be arrested. No exceptions.

-Radical left would be: One plane flight per year per person. Additional flights levy a $1,000 climate tax per flight.

-Radical left would be: Hard executive pay caps of $1 mil per year, including any profits from stock they might own in the company.

-Radical left would be: No second homes, or profiting from rental property, until/unless everyone is housed.

-Radical left would be: Free medical care for all, including dental, vision, and hearing, and universal basic income/citizen's dividend for all citizens.

-Radical left would be: Every worker belongs to a union and through union reps, participates in company management.

-Radical left would be: aggressive trust-busting and breakup of monopolies like Amazon.

-Radical left would be: No inherited wealth. 100% inheritance tax.

-Radical left would be: No private profiteering on any public service including health care, education, utilities, or prisons.

Some of these might be good ideas, some less so. But in terms of radical left, we're not even in the ballpark! Yet Republicans still accuse us of being "radical left" for saying that whoever gets the most votes wins an election, and that people shouldn't die from gun violence, or for lack of food, housing, or health care.


Last updated 2 years ago

Kenneth Freeman · @Kencf618033
175 followers · 3175 posts · Server

What interests me about is that it's a) panchreston and b) extremes of both the & the tend towards it, the former more than the latter.

#radicalleft #extremeright #antisemitism #etically

Last updated 2 years ago

GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
135 followers · 854 posts · Server
KinoGhoul · @KinoGhoul
53 followers · 276 posts · Server
GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
102 followers · 743 posts · Server

There is no in

#radicalleft #america

Last updated 2 years ago

Apparently posts are a thing on Mastodon, so let's do this:

relatively / , and speaking anarchist and music lover/record collector, interested in all things and adjacent stuff

#Introduction #newhere #neuhier #german #english #anarchism #libertarianleft #radicalleft #punk #hardcore #crust #grindcore

Last updated 2 years ago

ZedSaidSo · @ZoraSaidSo
108 followers · 604 posts · Server

My son listing radical-left actions:
1. Picks you up something from the store on the way home.
2. Buys something thoughtful for birthdays.
3. Drives family & friends to medical appointments.
4. Participates in neighbourhood clean-up activities.
5. Donates to charities.
6. Checks in on elderly friends.
7. Loves animals.
8. Respects ppl w/ different faiths & backgrounds.
9. Spends quality time w/ family.
10. Believes others know more about certain topics.

Got any more? 😆


Last updated 2 years ago

Graham · @onalifeglug
572 followers · 202 posts · Server

Been reminded that someone uploaded an audiobook of my first book Shock Doctrine of the Left using a Stephen Hawking-esque computerised voice, if you wanted a weird way to read it

It's on and / basically!

(There's some diagrams in the last chapter which I dont think are included, just so you know)

#activism #cybernetics #complexitytheory #directaction #cooperatives #socialmovements #ecology #socialecology #shockdoctrine #complexsystems #radicalleft #leftwing

Last updated 2 years ago

Brendan P · @halveric
197 followers · 228 posts · Server

Hey , any I can find on audible or as free audiobooks/podcasts? I'm down to just popcorn for listening at work and looking for meatier stuff. Share whatever, I'm looking for contemporary, foundational and core works, the 101 and 102 level stuff. The ones you wish someone had recommended you when you were just starting your journey.

#radicalleft #bookrecomendations

Last updated 2 years ago

Josef Mühlbauer · @varnapeace
952 followers · 29 posts · Server
A Radical Guide · @ARG
5793 followers · 3324 posts · Server
Valerie · @quakermom401
35 followers · 30 posts · Server

@nikkisumrow As a 67yo elder statesperson, I can say that we need more feet on the ground in these states. When we touch grass, Arkansans post "I am ." Texans deliver petitions. Kansans reject extremism.

There are 8+ million people in this organization wearing red tees. Use us.

Namaste, moms.


Last updated 2 years ago

Caro S. · @Heidentweet
77 followers · 322 posts · Server

Why would I put on posts when I'm at a instance?

#cw #political #radicalleft

Last updated 2 years ago