Vishwam Gurudas Heckert · @vishwam
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

We might think that yoga is about tying ourselves in knots, but really it's the opposite. Yoga loosens the knots in our bodies, minds and emotions so we can be free to be ourselves, to help others, to bring healing to our world. Taking this time for self care is the opposite of selfishness. It's an act of love. šŸ’—šŸ™

#flowingwithlife #whydoyoga #undoism #releasestress #healingourworld #actoflove #radicalselfcare #embracinglife #dailyyogapractice #heartoflivingyoga #spiritualpractices #innerstrength #sacredanarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
231 followers · 107 posts · Server

In my latest YouTube video about radical self-care, I examine the merits of giving and altruism and the dangers of extreme altruism. Well, when the water flows through the pipe, the pipe gets wet to. So, Iā€™m sharing because researching this topic reminded me that self-care is not a destination, especially for givers. It is definitely an ongoing journey. Stay the course. ā¤ļø

#boundaries #selfcaresundays #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #selflove #selfworth #altruism #blackmastodon #selfcare #radicalselfcare #mindfulness #giving #narcissism #darktriad #codependency #showupforyourself

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
231 followers · 104 posts · Server

Some of you are healthy and thriving because of the relationship you still maintain with your family. Some of you are unwell and broken because of the relationship you still maintain with your family. The latter is a hard pill to swallow, but a necessary one.

#radicalselfcare #boundaries #family #familydrama #traumabonds #selflove #selfcare #blackmastodon #human #humanrights #emotionalabuse #parenting #toxic #love #blacksheep #community #truth #tradition #selfawareness #honesty #Free #thrive #LIVE

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
231 followers · 103 posts · Server
Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
232 followers · 103 posts · Server

I hope you start laughing so hard that it takes you a while to gather yourself. I hope itā€™s borderline disruptive, but you just canā€™t help it. Cackle, snort, tear up, holler, and let that little satisfied sigh out when you start winding down from all of that laughter. Then, when you finally pull yourself together, I hope you feel grateful for the power and healing in that release. You deserve it.

#laugh #laughter #joy #release #relate #relax #anxiety #mentalhealth #selfcare #selfcaresunday #selflove #blackmastodon #Depression #fear #pain #human #Humanity #love #peace #healing #relationship #people #medicine #light #radicalselfcare

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
232 followers · 103 posts · Server

I took this picture with my phone while sitting in the full parking lot of a retail store. This tree was outside of my car window. It just stood there surrounded by carts, cars, and general human business. It does not know it is not in a forest. (Or, maybe it does.) It just knows it is a tree and it is doing what it is supposed to do. It is not allowing circumstances or the fact that it is not located in a place that makes it part of an awe inspiring landscape to stop it from being large and lovely. The afternoon sun still finds it. It caught my attention and compelled me to capture it. It is present and accounted for and being authentic. I aspire to be more like this tree.

#Nature #selfcare #authenticity #selfawareness #beyou #showup #radicalselfcare #takeupspace #blackmastodon #humanrights #womenshistorymonth #boundaries #mentalhealth #tree #trees #rest #sunshine #sun #coach #voice #power

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
232 followers · 103 posts · Server
Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
232 followers · 103 posts · Server

ā€œWe can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.ā€-James Baldwin. Sometimes you need to remind folks that there are levels and limits.

#silentsunday #selfcaresunday #selfcare #socialmedia #blackmastodon #rest #reflection #perspective #radicalselfcare #boundaries #mentalhealth #connection #humanrights #relationships #Humanity #love #selflove #jamesbaldwin

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
202 followers · 93 posts · Server

There is no date, no gift, and no experience worth your true joy and peace. Donā€™t force it. Donā€™t fake it. Donā€™t finesse it. To those in committed relationships, who have a realistic view of the fact that commitment comes with a healthy balance of bliss and reality, Happy Valentineā€™s Day. To those who are single by choice or circumstance, Happy Valentineā€™s Day. To all who love and respect Love, Happy Valentineā€™s Day. ā¤ļø

#love #selfcare #peace #joy #relationships #boundaries #honesty #vulnerability #commitment #marriage #dating #single #divorce #healthy #radicalselfcare #you #US #together #valentinesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
199 followers · 92 posts · Server

Some people will require that you move at the pace of their fear and insecurity. They will dress it up as wisdom or constructive criticism. Some will even say itā€™s love. Itā€™s none of that. Itā€™s them trying to hold you back. Itā€™s them using their energy and time to hem you up instead of working on themselves. Donā€™t let people who are to afraid to face their stuff have that kind of authority over you or your choices.

#boundaries #radicalselfcare #mentalheath #selfawareness #protectyourpeace #mirror #criticism #love #relationships #authority #power #fear #manipulation

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiffaney MB · @TiffaneyMooreBorgelin
192 followers · 89 posts · Server

I just uploaded my latest video on YouTube. In it, I talk about my apartment building burning down when I was 9. I also talk about how trauma, such as that one, can shape your expectations and how we cannot live our lives constantly braced for impact. It was an unscripted and impromptu recording. Iā€™m sure someone needs it, because I donā€™t usually get down like that.ā¤ļø

#coach #vulnerability #radicalselfcare #selfcare #selfcaresunday #mentalhealth #transparency #boundaries #balance

Last updated 2 years ago

Iā€™m seeing several people post about the anxiety of returning to work after an extended holiday break. You are not alone. I am sending love and light to everyone returning to a stressful daily routine. I am also knowing normalized rest and release for you throughout the year. May you actualize work that does not induce debilitating or . May you know work that you gladly run to and not have to brace for.

#stress #anxiety #selfcare #boundaries #joy #work #purpose #peace #radicalselfcare

Last updated 2 years ago

EternalWomenInc · @EternalWomenInc
1 followers · 30 posts · Server

One of the hardest things in life is realizing your loyalty to a person or organization is one-sided. If you feel you were loyal and got played, what role did you play? Often, one-sided loyalty is rooted in people-pleasing, low self-worth, etc. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being loyal. The problem is toxic patterns where you are always left feeling victimized. What can you change?

#loyalty #boundaries #blackmastodon #codependency #selfcare #mentalhealth #relationships #balance #radicalselfcare

Last updated 2 years ago

I like this picture of me! Normally, I feel awkward taking pics. This thumbnail was generated by my latest YouTube video. I see my light here. I think it was taken when I said, ā€œI love you, even if I donā€™t like you.ā€ I went on to clarify and say that I am very -esque in my dealings with people: We can agree to disagree, unless your belief is rooted in a perspective that oppresses me or those who look like me.

#jamesbaldwin #radicalselfcare #blackmastodon #selflove #boundaries #selfcare #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

ApproachingSteeD · @ApproachingSteed
240 followers · 546 posts · Server

@TiffaneyMooreBorgelin I literally just did this, haha. Took a nap at 11am and woke up a 5pm. is the best. Thank you.


Last updated 2 years ago

I want to take one of those naps where you say, ā€œImma just lay down for a about 30 minutes.ā€ Then, you wake up a few hours later and wonder if itā€™s 5pm or 5am.

#sleep #selfcare #timetravel #dream #rest #dark #cold #cuddle #warm #Winter #blanket #radicalselfcare #bed #selflove

Last updated 2 years ago

Some can feel it. It is the angst, the memory, the sadness of the season. Remember to step back from the forest and see the trees. If you donā€™t, you may believe every thought and every feeling is your own. Emotions are energy and energy travels. So own and process your stuff. Only your stuff. Itā€™s OK to empathize with your fellow man. Just donā€™t let it be to the detriment of your own health. We need you. More importantly, you need you.

#empathy #radicalselfcare #boundaries #mentalhealth #energy

Last updated 2 years ago

Some can feel it. It is the angst, the memory, the sadness of the season. Remember to step back from the forest and see the trees. If you donā€™t, you may believe every thought and every feeling is your own. Emotions are energy and energy travels. So own and process your stuff. Only your stuff. Itā€™s OK to empathize with your fellow man. Just donā€™t let it be to the detriment of your own health. We need you. More importantly, you need you.

#empathy #radicalselfcare #boundaries #mentalhealth #energy

Last updated 2 years ago

When someone asks you, ā€œMay I have a moment of your time?ā€, replace the word ā€˜timeā€™ with the word ā€˜lifeā€™. ā€œMay I have a moment of your life?ā€ Whew! That should remind you of how precious your time is. It should help you to be more reverent of what it means to waste time. It should help you leave toxic relationships sooner. Hopefully, it will help you say no with less guilt. I practice this often and it has made all the difference.

#radicalselfcare #guilt #selfcare #boundaries #wisdom #reminder

Last updated 2 years ago