▶ All 👌 tracks played on 📻 #BBC6Music in the last 7️⃣ days are available on this 🪄 automagic 🔊 live 🎶 playlist
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#bbc6music #radio6 #radio6music
Came across #DreamWife on #Radio6Music for the first time this eve on the drive home. Reminiscent of #ConfidenceMan and #YeahYeahYeahs with a more political punk dance edge. Thoroughly enjoying their new single #Leech. https://open.spotify.com/track/1Yv3haYX6JsM4xGnmxsumS?si=hDAfNe4LQZ6-SACbV7pAaA
#dreamwife #radio6music #confidenceman #yeahyeahyeahs #leech
#Radio6Music's "Back to the 90s" day has been excellent so far. Highlights for me:
"Super Sharp Shooter" by DJ Zinc
"Bulls on Parade" by RatM
"50ft Queenie" by PJ Harvey
Need me some Jesus Built My Hotrod I think
@alexlac51 #BBC #Radio6Music Christmas Eve with Craig Charles. My goto for ear worms if I need distracting.
What the fuck, hearing "Waiting Room" by #Fugazi on #Radio6Music right now
Thank you Lauren Laverne 🔥
Soundtrack to this instance should be by 'pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs, pigs' #radio6music