Quite possibly Rahm Emmanuel’s most widely supported action will be to eat some fish. https://mastodon.social/@thejapantimes/110988884736999969 “U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will visit Fukushima Prefecture later this month, where he plans to eat fish from the area to show support for Tokyo's decision to release treated radioactive water into the sea. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/08/24/japan/politics/us-envoy-fukushima-water/?utm_content=bufferc4ba6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=mastodon&utm_campaign=bffmstdn #japan #politics #rahmemanuel #fukushima #fukushimano1 #radioactivewater”
#japan #Politics #rahmemanuel #Fukushima #fukushimano1 #radioactivewater
Expert: #Discharge of #radioactivewater from #Fukushima could trigger #animalmutations
#Discharge #radioactivewater #fukushima #animalmutations
@currentbias Rain concentrates tritium. T20 or more likely HTO, small amount of TDO. Short half life 12 years, just don’t drink the water…oops…it’s in the hydrogen in the water so in the water IN the water. Easily absorbed through the skin. Will we glow in the dark? Fun for everyone. FYI Berkey water filter filters out > 98% tritium. #Fukishima #ReactorWater #RadioactiveWater
#fukishima #reactorwater #radioactivewater
After Nearly a Decade, Japan Will Release Radioactive Water Into the Pacific
#Fukushima #japan #nucleardisaster #nuclearpower #radioactivewater
#Fukushima #Japan #nucleardisaster #NuclearPower #radioactivewater
#Japan gets green light to release #Fukushima #radioactivewater into #PacificOcean
#japan #fukushima #radioactivewater #PacificOcean
#Japan releases #radioactivewater from the #Fukushima #powerplant into the ocean
#japan #radioactivewater #fukushima #PowerPlant
Discharge of #Fukushima #radioactivewater into #PacificOcean could last until next century
#badpollution #PacificOcean #radioactivewater #fukushima
#Navajo Nation officials, activists feel cut out as company advances #uranium #mining plans
By Hannah Grover, May 1, 2023
"When a foreign company started exploratory drilling for the possible return of uranium mining near #ChurchRock, community members say they were not informed in advance.
“It was a complete shock,” Jonathan Perry, the director of Eastern Navajo #Diné Against Uranium Mining, said of the process that started this winter.
"The eastern Navajo Nation communities have stood largely in opposition to future uranium mining for decades.
"'The majority of Diné people have been personally impacted by (uranium),' Leona Morgan, an activist and member of Navajo Nation, said.
"The Navajo Nation has a moratorium dating back nearly two decades that prohibits uranium extraction, but the Eastern Agency consists of what is known as checkerboard. That means federal and state lands are intermixed with Navajo, or Diné, lands and allotment lands.
"#LaramideResources, a Canada-based company, plans on extracting uranium from an area within the checkerboard that is not tribal land.
"The work would occur near the same location where, in 1979, a dam breach released 1,100 tons of uranium waste and 94 million gallons of #RadioactiveWater into the #RioPuerco, which the nearby Navajo communities relied upon for water.
"Decades later, the spill, along with mine and mill sites in the area, remain unremediated. Earlier this year, the U.S. NRC issued a record of decision as well as a license amendment that will allow the #UnitedNuclearCorporation—which owned the site where the spill occurred—to dispose of mine #waste from the old uranium mine at the old mill site.
"Morgan said there are concerns that this disposal method in an unlined pit could lead to a second spill happening, especially as climate change increases the risks of extreme weather events like monsoon floods."
#IndigenousNews #NoNukes #NoNewNukes #WaterIsLife #EnvironmentalRacism
#navajo #uranium #mining #churchrock #dine #laramideresources #radioactivewater #riopuerco #unitednuclearcorporation #waste #indigenousnews #nonukes #nonewnukes #waterislife #environmentalracism
NY Senate Bill S5181
Prohibits the discharge of any radiological agent into the waters of the state
#NewYork #HudsonRiver #Holtec #Fukushima #TEPCO #NoNukeDumping #RadioactiveWater
#newyork #HudsonRiver #HOLTEC #fukushima #tepco #nonukedumping #radioactivewater
Nuclear power plant leaks 400,000 gallons of radioactive water https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nuclear-power-plant-leaks-400000-gallons-radioactive-water-rcna75406 #RadioactiveWater #NuclearPowerPlantLeak
#radioactivewater #nuclearpowerplantleak
Well, well, well -- guess what -- there's more than just #Tritium in that water -- just like with #Fukushima! #Corporations like #TEPCO and #Holtec LOVE to DOWNPLAY what's really in the water they want to dump!
#RocklandCounty Passes Resolution Against Dumping #RadioactiveWater in the #HudsonRiver; Second This Week
Published Mar 9, 2023 Categories
"In a 16-0 vote, the Rockland County Legislature unanimously approved a resolution calling on Governor Hochul and relevant agencies to stop Holtec International from dumping #toxic waste into the Hudson River. Rockland became the second county in the Hudson Valley region to oppose Holtec’s polluting plan, just two days after the #Westchester Board of Legislators took similar action.
"Holtec International, the company in charge of decommissioning the #IndianPoint Nuclear Plant, wants to dump one million gallons of toxic wastewater from the plant’s spent fuel pools into the Hudson River. The company’s waste has several contaminants [NOT JUST TRITIUM LIKE HOLTEC KEEPS SAYING] including #tritium, a radioactive isotope that can lead to cancer when inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin in large quantities. Seven communities and over 100,000 people rely on drinking water from the Hudson River.
"Santosh Nandabalan, Senior New York Organizer with Food & Water Watch issued the following statement: 'To allow the immense discharge of toxic, radioactive waste into New Yorkers’ drinking water is to privilege corporate expediency over public health. One by one, Hudson Valley authorities are taking a stand against Holtec’s ludicrously dangerous proposal. Governor Hochul must take immediate action to safeguard public health and stop Holtec’s scheme.'"
#HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverValley #HudsonValley #Fukushima #NewYork #Japan #NoDumping #WaterIsLife #StopTEPCO #NoNukes #TEPCOLies #HoltecLies
#toxic #westchester #indianpoint #hudsonrivervalley #hudsonvalley #newyork #japan #nodumping #waterislife #StopTEPCO #nonukes #tepcolies #holteclies #tritium #fukushima #corporations #tepco #HOLTEC #rocklandcounty #radioactivewater #HudsonRiver
The leak occurred in late November 2022 and the public wasn't informed until Thursday, March 16
#pollution #nuclearaccident #radioactivewater
Minnesota power plant leaks 400,000 gallons of radioactive water
#news #politics #uspolitics #minnesota #radioactivewater
This is not mildly insane, this is insanity on steroids.
"Dumping 1M gallons of radioactive water in the Hudson River is "best option" says Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant owner."
#contamination #radioactivewater #BlackMastodon #Mastodon
#Japan announces discharge of #radioactivewater from #Fukushima after treatment #BadPollution
#badpollution #fukushima #radioactivewater #japan