Proč se Velká cena Eurovize bude konat v Liverpoolu, když pořadatelem měla být Ukrajina? Proč mají ruská média pozastavené členství v Evropské vysílací unii? U příležitosti konference #Radiodays Europe bude hostem ředitel EBU Noel Curran. #20minut
36 years ago:
Radio Days (US)
The Narrator tells us how the radio influenced his childhood in the days before TV. In the New York City of the late 1930s to the New Year's Eve 1944, this coming-of-age tale mixes the narrator's experiences with contemporary anecdotes and urban legends of the radio stars.
#RadioDays #WoodyAllen #DannyAiello #JeffDaniels #MiaFarrow #SethGreen #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#radiodays #woodyallen #dannyaiello #jeffdaniels #miafarrow #sethgreen #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
#cb stuff #radiodays
ok because i wanted you guys to hear the chatter amongst the mud ducks on channel 6 "the super bowl" here's a few minutes of them all mucking around..