I'd be willing to chuck a few cents per week specifically to sustain the human labour coordinating, collating, editing, producing, programming, attending, developing all the content things we want to be doing in support of fedi artists. #radioFreeFedi
PSA for #fediverse #music
#RadioFreeFedi is great for discovery.
I've gotten in the habit of launching it as soon as I hit that moment of "it's too quiet but I don't want to think about what to listen to". Love it.
#fediverse #music #radiofreefedi
Ahoy RFF announcers, voice talent, new friends and all fedizens who might like to do some voice reads or Station IDs...
Send a DM if you are interested.
We have collated some fresh material of poems, short fiction, and we have guides for basic announcements and drops if you need a nudge.
Anyone who previously inquired and did not submit let us know how we can help. All languages welcome and encouraged.
This is your 24/7 fediverse #community #radio
#community #radio #radiofreefedi
Mon hymne à l’#OisivetéRadicale est diffusé sur #radioFreeFedi 😎✊📻
#oisiveteradicale #radiofreefedi
Holy carp team what an update!
So many tracks across all channels. Also new TrafficReports and News edited and added!
If you love some experimental, weird spoken with dark or quirky sonic underpinnings, avant, noisy, get ye to an EXPERIMENTS IN RFF block on the Specialty channel because it's packed! with new stuff.
Keep it all rolling in, music, word, voice read, visual art (see previous posts requesting visuals).
Listen, submit, contribute:
Ahoy friends. Just a little mid week reminder that this community kicks ass!
With all the recent trials and tribulations it's been overwhelming looking at a whiteboard soo full of station work for the week. But it's a good problem and heckin heck are you in for a big proper update post imminently.
Some really amazing fedizens reaching out to us recently for general support and such amazing submissions coming in of all types has really been a boost.
Stay awesome out there team!
Finally getting a chance to listen to #radioFreeFedi "celebrating sound, agency and discovery
supporting fedi artists." Definitely enjoying the "comfy" channel! https://radiofreefedi.net
I am listening to #radiofreefedi specialty channel and having a blast. Perfect soundtrack for my stretching routine
Fellow #Musicians #Composers & #SongWriters , if you haven't heard of @radiofreefedi yet, have a little read & a browse, submit your #music, & start listening! The more creators that submit, the more varied the experience becomes for all.
Such an interesting & organic way to find new music & make connections.
It's also a real thrill when you are making coffee at 8am on Saturday morning in little old #Ireland & one of your own songs comes on! 😊
#RadioFreeFedi #MastoMusic #MastoDaoine
#musicians #composers #songwriters #music #ireland #radiofreefedi #mastomusic #mastodaoine
Ahoy fedi friends, we hope your week has been mostly tolerable.
We've added to all 3 channels twice in a week. It's an especially great time to drop in and discover some amazing fedi artists.
Please welcome to the station:
and more and new tracks from our friends:
Playlists shook, follow file and website updated.
How to listen, contribute, support:
stay awesome out there team!
State of the Station Report for August 2023
We appreciate your patience and heart as we continue to restore content, context and process post the primary fedi account wipe.
We have some call to actions for musicians, listeners, visual artists, and the community at large to keep expanding how we can support fedi artists.
Kia ora rawa atu
State of the Station Report for August 2023
We appreciate your patience and heart as we continue to restore content, context and process post the server wipe.
We have some call to actions for musicians, listeners, visual artists, and the community at large to keep expanding how we can support fedi artists.
Kia ora rawa atu
It's not the most polished #RadioFreeFedi experience, maybe, but it does work for my Saturday morning walk.
First big station update post account wipe. Cheers for your patience and support through it all. Every day is a great day to discover and support fedi artists.
Please welcome to the station:
and more and new from our friends:
Gave playlists their regular shake and updated artist list on site and follow file.
How to listen, contribute, support:
Lovely little sequence of tunes on my way home with #radiofreefedi so I feel I must, as the yoof may still say, give a shout out too:
@FrequencyControlCenter 'Haptic Drift'
@johannbourquenez 'Body And Soul'
love & sleep, 'discontiguous'
@Sakti 'Sound of Stars'
Can't seem to find *love & sleep* on Fediverse yet, but maybe someone else knows and can tag 👍
Ompas muuten Radio Free Fedi parantunut huomattavasti alkuajoista. Tulee sangen korvanmyötäistä musaa. Kaikki teostovapaata ja fediversumikäyttäjien tekemää.
Omatkin biisini ovat siellä playlistillä.
Good news everyone, looks like #RadioFreeFedi's account is working again, and at the original server too:
If you've already followed in the past, you might want to try unfollowing and refollowing to make sure your follow is still working.
(By the way, their server is now on a totally different hosting company, so the problem which broke the account for a while hopefully shouldn't happen again.)
Just setup and installed the #RadioFreeFedi app on the Roku. Nice! Looking forward to discovering some new music.