I'm surprised! I have listened to over 1300 hours of podcast during the past 12 months, meaning on average I have listened 3.6 hours of podcast per day!
The #AntennaPod is my podcast player of choice, but I have also finished two audio series on the #Realm app.
Here are some of the podcasts I listen to:
#antennapod #realm #latenightlinux #destinationlinux #LinuxAfterDark #darknetdiaries #commandlineheros #worldsgreatestcon #stilltobedetermined #radiogeek #channelb #radiotragedy
As the user/follower counts continue to grow, I think Mastodon will eventually be my go-to social media space.
Still curating my feed, though, muting overzealous bloggers and silencing chronic rebloggers. I'm hoping for original content, not reblogs, except in special circumstances. We will find the sweet spot, thanks to the help from those who have offered pointers and tips to this newbie user.
So far, so good. #HamRadio #radiogeek
just start with #radio #publicradio #radiogeek and go from there!
#radio #publicradio #radiogeek
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