We have three great nets for you this Friday.
Start your day the Squirrel way with the morning Squirrel Net at 7am.
Join us late afternoon at 4pm for the 31st Fusion International Net hosted by our friends at KC-Wide.
Finally join Dan 2E0WFL for the first Friday Night Net on North West Allstar Group at 8pm.
All nets are UK time. #hamr #hamradio #amateurradio #radionets #radioham
#radioham #radionets #amateurradio #hamradio #hamr
This evening is Sue’s Net at 19:30GMT. Only on North West Fusion Group. WiresX 41755, YSF GB NWFG. Plus the NWFG repeaters and gateways. All welcome for 90 minutes of gentle chat. #hamr #hamradio #AmateurRadio #radionets #YL #YSF #WiresX #C4FM @theRSGB
#c4fm #WiresX #ysf #yl #radionets #amateurradio #hamradio #hamr
Today is net day. Start it early with The Squirrel Net and ease yourself into the evening with The Bay Net. WiresX 41755, YSF GB NWFG #hamr #hamradio #amateurradio @theRSGB #WiresX #C4FM #radionets
#radionets #c4fm #WiresX #amateurradio #hamradio #hamr