'...when liquids are once more poured into the sea, this time in , imposing a toxic burden on the creatures who are already struggling to survive there, we must ask whether human beings have some sort of divine right of kings to trash the habitat of other living things?
We have already done this everywhere and it has come with a terrible price to other creatures as well as to ourselves'


#Environment #lahague #nuclearIndustry #radionuclides #Fukushima #Japan #radioactive

Last updated 1 year ago

Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
101 followers · 1951 posts · Server mstdn.science
Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
101 followers · 1950 posts · Server mstdn.science

specialists have begun dumping the first batch of purified into the ocean from the exploded -1 . This was announced on Thursday, August 24, by the energy company Tokyo Electric Power ().
Читайте на WWW.KP.RU: kp.ru/online/news/5421391/

#japan #water #fukushima #npp #tepco #tritium #radionuclides #radiation #food #safety #environment #politics #disasters

Last updated 1 year ago

Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
101 followers · 1938 posts · Server mstdn.science
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1326 followers · 17314 posts · Server kolektiva.social

will soon release water into the . How worried should we be?

Some have cast doubt on the ’s findings, with China recently arguing that the group’s assessment “is not proof of the legality and legitimacy” of Fukushima’s wastewater release.

By Jessie Yeung, Mayumi Maruyama and Emiko Jozuka, July 5, 2023

"Robert H. Richmond, director of the Kewalo Marine Laboratory at the University of at Manoa, is among a group of international scientists working with the to assess the wastewater release plan – including visits to the Fukushima site, and meetings with TEPCO, Japanese authorities and the IAEA. After reviewing the details of the plan, Richmond called it 'ill-advised' and premature.

"One concern is that diluting the wastewater might not be enough to reduce its impact on marine life. like tritium can pass through various levels of the – including plants, animals, and bacteria – and be ',' meaning they will build up in the marine , he said.

"He added that the world’s oceans are already under stress from , ocean , and . The last thing it needs is to be treated like a 'dumping ground,' he said.

"And the potential risks won’t just affect the region. One 2012 study found evidence that bluefin had transported – radioactive isotopes like the ones in – from Fukushima across the Pacific to California."


#japan #fukushima #radioactive #ocean #iaea #hawaii #pacificislandforum #pollutants #foodchain #bioaccumulated #ecosystem #ClimateChange #acidification #overfishing #pollution #AsiaPacific #tuna #radionuclides #nuclear #WasteWater #nodumping #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #pacificocean #waterislife #corporatism #corruption #japangovernment

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1087 followers · 14378 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@Nazani "Last year, the US National Association of Marine Laboratories in Herndon, Virginia, also voiced its opposition to the planned release, saying that there was 'a lack of adequate and accurate scientific data supporting ’s assertion of safety'. The Philippine government has also called for Japan to reconsider releasing the water into the .

"'Have the people promoting this going forward — treatment of the water and then release into the ocean — demonstrated to our satisfaction that it will be safe for ocean health and human health?' asks Robert Richmond, marine biologist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. “The answer is ‘no’.

"Shigeyoshi Otosaka, an oceanographer and marine chemist at the Atmospheric and Ocean Research Institute of the University of Tokyo says that the organically bound form of tritium could accumulate in fish and marine organisms. He says international research is investigating the potential for such of the in marine life, and what has already happened in the waters around after the accidental release of contaminated water during the tsunami. 'I think it is important to evaluate the long-term environmental impact of these radionuclides,' Otosaka says."

#japan #pacific #Alps #bioaccumulation #radionuclides #fukushima

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1074 followers · 14243 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Discharge Sparks Global Outcry Amid E#nvironmental Concerns

Japanese Government's Controversial Move to Discharge Water Triggers Intense Backlash

9 July 2023

"The public’s disapproval of the release of Fukushima’s nuclear polluted water into the sea has been fervent. Their objection is not directed at the normal functioning of nuclear power plants but rather stems from ’s dissemination of misleading information under the guise of 'pseudoscience.' It is vital to elucidate the fundamental distinction between Fukushima’s nuclear-contaminated water and the regular operations of a nuclear power plant from a scientific perspective. By analyzing their sources, the Fukushima nuclear disaster stands as the most severe nuclear accident, resulting in water contaminated with an extensive array of radionuclides generated by nuclear fission. In contrast, nuclear waste water from power plants worldwide is primarily composed of various types of process water, chemical water, ground water, shower and laundry water, all classified as general operational water. Each source manifests unique characteristics in terms of radionuclide composition.

"It is crucial to highlight that the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water contains over 60 types of radionuclides, some of which are significantly more hazardous than tritium, a substance the Japanese authorities claim they can efficiently purify and treat. Alarming concerns arise as many of these lack effective treatment methods. Japan’s own data reveals that approximately 70 percent of nuclear-contaminated water processed through the Multi-Nuclide Treatment System () fails to meet discharge standards, necessitating re-purification. Additionally, the assessment report published by the acknowledges that ALPS 'may not remove all radionuclides in nuclear-contaminated water.' Furthermore, the long-term implications of this decision cannot be ignored, as it may take up to 30 years for Japan to execute the discharge plan, potentially resulting in an irreversible environmental catastrophe.

"'The radioactive materials stemming from the nuclear accident should not be released, and we must preserve a pristine ocean for our generation and those to come,' passionately stated Masashi Tani, a representative of Japanese civic groups. On the 7th of July, various civil organizations in Fukushima Prefecture and beyond made a resounding statement, revealing that over 250,000 individuals had signed petitions opposing the release of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. The gravity of this global outcry underscores the urgent need for a reconsideration of Japan’s decision.

"As the international community scrutinizes Japan’s stance on the matter, the ramifications of releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean extend beyond national borders. Concerns about potential health hazards, ecological damage, and the perpetuation of long-term radioactive pollution are driving this global controversy. It is imperative for authorities to heed the mounting public outcry and prioritize the protection of our planet’s fragile ecosystems."


#fukushima #nuclear #contaminatedwater #radioactive #japan #radionuclides #Alps #iaea #tepcolies #waterislife #pacificocean #FukushimaDaiIchi #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1064 followers · 14199 posts · Server kolektiva.social

As promised, this week's list are my favorite / accounts. Follow them if you want news about , , and other news!

(My lifeline here on Mastodon. Posts Leilani Athenaire’s tweets and news from )

@SZKN29 x
Illustrator, picture book author, care worker. I mainly cover Futaba District, Fukushima Prefecture on foot. A total of 410 km was covered. Tokyo Shimbun "Drawing Invisible Radioactivity"

(Has timely posts!)
In the name of all warriors, we warriors promise to participate in the .CC3

(Covers and )
Reporter for The Highlands Current: An award-winning, non-profit, independent newspaper in New York's Hudson Valley. I also teach journalism at Marist College. Not actually a cat.

? Nein Danke! Wir streiten fĂźr eine Welt ohne .
Nuclear power? No thank you! We are fighting for a world without nuclear energy.

We, moving people from and the surrounding area, are committed to the decommissioning of all nuclear plants and an ecological (decentralized and democratic, i.e. in the hands of citizens!). We oppose the French repository project in Lorraine with the resistance house and for the closure of the . In addition, we support the switch to |providers without or |corporations as well as to corresponding banks.

Nuclear historian at the Peace Institute. Book - Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha - Yale 2022. I work on the global human & ecological harm from nuclear production, nuclear weapon tests, reactor accidents. I examine the impacts on communities, families & emotions; long-term ecological presence of fallout ; the legacy of our to 1,000s of generations of our descendants.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Find out more: cnduk.org

Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Working to limit & eventually eliminate the nuclear threat through Congressional & public outreach.

Editor and co-author, "Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of US Nuclear Weapons Since 1940" • Nonresident Senior Fellow, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. I write primarily about nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons history and policy, and the nuclear "Football."

Energy historian, with a focus on Soviet and Russian nuclear programmes. PhD candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

PhD in History, Researcher at Lund University

The Arms Control Association, founded in 1971, is a nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.

Journalist. Montana kid. Editor at .org. , published by Haymarket Books, out now!

#followfriday #nonukes #nowar #fukushima #nucleardisarmament #nuclear #japan #digital #Anonymous #hacktheplanet #anonops #infosec #antifa #indianpoint #HOLTEC #environmental #atomkraft #atomenergie #antiatom #antiakw #trier #Energiewende #bure #burezonelibre #akw #cattenom #okostrom #atom #Kohle #hiroshima #radionuclides #NuclearWaste #histodons #peace #coldwarhistory #nuclearculture #nuclearhistory #nuclearhumanities #mediahistory #urbanhistory #memorystudies #historyofscienceandtechnology #digitalhistory #architecture #ruins #shelters #imaginaries #environmentalhistory #transnationalhistory #counterpunch #atomicdays

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1032 followers · 13844 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@YourAnonRiots I read the RFPs submitted to . They rejected many for being "expensive" or "unproven". At what cost contaminating the with not only , but , and other !

#tepco #pacificocean #tritium #cesium #cobalt #radionuclides

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12539 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Wood pellets ash – radioactive contamination and cesium 137 measured values

"In the event of a accident in which radionuclides are released into the biosphere, radioactive contamination of forests can become a significant potential source of public radiation exposure. 137 and 90 remain in the upper soil layers in forest ecosystems for a long time. These get into the wood via the roots and can thus store radioactivity and represent a potential radiation exposure for humans. We provide an overview of our radioactive measurements as well as a literature review on wood, pellets and ash with a focus on cesium 137

"Two of these accidents – the accident in the Urals in the USSR (now the Russian Federation) in 1957 and the accident in the USSR (now Ukraine) in 1986 – resulted in significant contamination of thousands of square kilometers of forest land with radionuclide mixtures, including long-lived fission products such as Cs 137 and Sr 90. Measurements and modeling of forest ecosystems after both accidents have shown that after initial contamination, the activity concentration of long-lived radionuclides in wood gradually increases over one to two decades and slowly decreases over the following decades Period. The longevity of contamination is due to the slow migration and persistent bioavailability of radionuclides in the forest soil profile, leading to long-term transfer into wood through the tree root system.

"The transfer of cesium-137 from the soil into the wood of trees is relatively low. Wood from Germany is radiobiological harmless to humans. In the ashes, however, the radiocesium activity can be up to 100 times higher than in wood."


#nuclear #cesium #strontium #radionuclides #kyshtim #chernobyl #nonukes #nonewnukes #nowar #airquality #airpollution #wildfires #ClimateCrisis #climate #environment #radiation

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
900 followers · 12416 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Detailed evidence exposes Japan's lies, loopholes in -contaminated wastewater plan

By Huang Lanlan, June 08, 2023

" at first only listed 64 types of including H-3 and C-14 as a (data) foundation for the works including monitoring and analysis, emission control, and environmental impact assessment. These 64 radionuclides did not include the uranium isotope and certain other Îą-nuclides, which have long half-lives while some are highly toxic.

"TEPCO's exclusion of the radionuclides mentioned above has greatly compromised the effectiveness of its monitoring work, as well as the credibility of its environmental impact assessment result, the insider stressed.

"In the process of treating the nuclear-contaminated wastewater, the slight particle shedding of chemical precipitants and inorganic adsorbents in the ALPS may cause some radionuclides to exist in a colloidal state, the insider explained.

"Therefore, TEPCO's assumption that all nuclides in nuclear-contaminated wastewater in the ALPS are water-soluble is obviously invalid, said the insider. 'TEPCO should scientifically and comprehensively analyze whether colloidal nuclides are present in the nuclear-contaminated wastewater based on the long-term operation experience of its ALPS system,' he noted.


#nuclear #dumping #tepco #radionuclides #tepcolies #waterislife #worldoceanday #japanlies #japansecrecyact #fukushima #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
832 followers · 9759 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Alternatives To Dumping Wastewater Into The

plans to dump treated, contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific. but it could be used in other ways instead.

By CodeBlue | 12 April 2023

"Claims of total safety are not supported by the available information. The world’s are shared among all, providing over 50 percent of the oxygen we breathe, and a diversity of resources of economic, and value for present and future generations.

"Within the in particular, the ocean is viewed as connecting, rather than separating, widely distributed populations.

"Releasing contaminated water into the Pacific is an irreversible action with transboundary and implications. As such, it should not be unilaterally undertaken by any country.

"The has had the foresight to ask the relevant questions on how this activity could affect the lives and livelihoods of their peoples now and into the future. It has drawn on a panel of five independent experts to provide it with the critical information it needs to perform its due diligence.

"No one is questioning the integrity of Japanese or International Atomic Energy Agency scientists [I am], but the belief that our oceans’ capacity to receive limitless quantities of without detrimental effects is demonstrably false.

"For example, tuna and other large ocean fish contain enough mercury from land-based sources to require people, especially pregnant women and young children, to limit their consumption. have also been found to transport from Fukushima across the Pacific to California.

"Phytoplankton, microscopic organisms that float free in the ocean, can capture and accumulate a variety of radioactive elements found in the Fukushima cooling water, including and carbon-14.

" is the base for all marine food webs. When they are eaten, the contaminants would not be broken down, but stay in the cells of organisms, accumulating in a variety of invertebrates, fish, marine mammals and humans. Marine sediments can also be a repository for radionuclides, and provide a means of transfer to bottom-feeding organisms."

Read more: codeblue.galencentre.org/2023/

#fukushima #pacific #japan #radioactively #oceans #ecological #cultural #Pacificislands #radioactive #transgenerational #pacificislandsforum #pollutants #tuna #radionuclides #tritium #phytoplankton #pacificocean #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #optepco #nonukes #nodumping #bioaccumulation

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
529 followers · 4866 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Daiichi Water: The World is Watching… or Should Be

Published on May 6, 2021 by Azby Brown

"In late 2018, however, [] admitted that roughly 80% of the water —890,000 of the 1.1 million tons of treated water then in storage— still contained above-limit levels of 90, 60, 106 and many other that the [ALPS] system had failed to adequately remove. Upon learning that this fact had been intentionally concealed by Tepco, the public was outraged. Those supporting the release plan seem to hope that this massive betrayal of trust has been forgotten."

Read more:

#fukushima #tepco #strontium #cobalt #ruthenium #radionuclides #nonukes #FukushimaWater #tepcolies #StopTEPCO #OpFukushima #waterislife

Last updated 2 years ago

Amanda · @pronounshe
80 followers · 3341 posts · Server lgbt.io

Fun Fact: When radiologically contaminated plant matter burns those are released in the the atmosphere where they can be inhaled and deposited in our lungs.

Map: wasmoke.blogspot.com/


Last updated 4 years ago