I was on #RadioNZ last night. #Wikimania2023 https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/nights/audio/2018903118/new-zealander-takes-out-top-wikipedia-award #WikimediaLaureate
#radionz #wikimania2023 #wikimedialaureate
@NatalieDavis Here's the Radio New Zealand story on the same alarming incident.
"RNZ is investigating how online stories about the war in Ukraine, which were supplied by an international news agency, were edited to align with the Russian version of events. A staff member has been placed on leave while other stories are audited."
Go on , @rnz, you can do it...
#RNZ considers unliking #Twitter over 'government-funded' label https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/488136/rnz-considers-unliking-twitter-over-government-funded-label
#rnz #twitter #radioNewZealand #radionz #aotearoa #NZTwits
Nice article from #radionz on why and how of #cycling infrastructure investment in #AotearoaNZ
#biketooter #aotearoanz #cycling #radionz
Paul Goldsmith on #RadioNZ this morning, pushing the same usual race-baiting weasel words designed to scare their supporters.
Using words like "a radical view that honouring the treaty requires 50/50 co-governance". This isn't radical. There are legislative references to "equal partnership" and "equal representation". If you have a board of 10 people and there is only one choice representing Māori, that is not fair representation. There is legal precedent here.
Here's a very calm Kim Hill eviscerating visiting TERF Posie Parker this morning.
#radionz #kimhill #posieparker
This is a fantastically clear interview with @timnitGebru on #RadioNZ giving an accessible overview what's wrong with the current #AI situation, and what can be done about it. Also great to hear about the cool stuff #DAIR is doing, inspiring stuff!
AI ethicist Timnit Gebru: why we can't trust Silicon Valley | RNZ
Listening to #radionz and thoughts with the upper North Island for sure. Fingers crossed :-( #Auckland #CycloneGabrielle
#radionz #auckland #cyclonegabrielle
These cyclones are horrible. We were in #Gisbourne for the last one. Might be worth a thought during the next few days of #CycloneGabrielle as to what official feeds we really need in the #ActivityPub #Mastodon world in #Aotearoa - I'm thinking #GeoNet, #MetService, #Niwa, #RadioNZ, personally I'd love to see Rivers each have their own alert level feed too ... and who else?
#gisbourne #cyclonegabrielle #activitypub #mastodon #aotearoa #GeoNet #Metservice #niwa #radionz
Politicians remain wedded to #growth as the solution to all problems. But that growth has gone. "To all intents and purposes, we're already living in a kind of #postgrowth economy. But we haven't figured out how to make that work."
@ProfTimJackson on #RadioNZ with Kim Hill → https://cusp.ac.uk/themes/aetw/tj-radionnz-jan23/
cc #degrowth #wellbeingeconomy #beyondgdp #secularstagnation
#SecularStagnation #BeyondGDP #wellbeingeconomy #degrowth #radionz #postgrowth #growth
[It's a bit of a cliche to say it now, but President Trump in the United States created a permissive environment for extreme-right, king of proto-fascist people, extreme misogynists and so on, to operate in," said Shaw. "That's actually gotten worse]
Quoted in RNZ press today by James Shaw, leader of the Green Party.
He's not afraid to call out where vile social media, it's followers and it's influencers has its origins
On #RadioNZ last night, a soundbite from a "south island farmer" on the PM's resignation. He was "very happy" she resigned but when it came to why, all he said (or, all that was broadcast) was "she made it hard to be a farmer". Assuming he doesn't believe she personally caused the droughts and floods of the last few years, he must mean the environmental regulation to prevent him from polluting our streams and atmosphere with cow waste. Regulations, in other words, to _preserve_ #farming.
Apropos of today's #KimHill #radioNewZealand interview on the shamaic origins of Santa Claus, here is the structure of a Sami lavvu ...
When it's wrapped in reindeer hide and covered in snow, visitors can only enter the lavvu through the top, which is also the exit for smoke from the hearth fire. Not a chimney so much.
#kimhill #radioNewZealand #tromso #sami #lavvu #SantaClaus #rnz #radionz
Apropos of today's #KimHill #radioNewZealand interview on the shamaic origins of Santa Claus, here is the structure of a Sami lavvu ...
When it's wrapped in reindeer hide and covered in snow, visitors can only enter the lavvu through the top, which is also the exit for smoke from the hearth fire. Not a chimney so much.
#kimhill #radioNewZealand #tromso #sami #lavvu #SantaClaus #rnz #radionz
Apropos of today's #KimHill #radioNewZealand interview on the shamaic origins of Santa Claus, here is the structure of a Sami lavvu ...
When it's wrapped in reindeer hide and covered in snow, vistors can only enter the lavvu through the top, which is also the exit for smoke from the hearth fire. Not a chimney so much.
#kimhill #radioNewZealand #tromso #sami #SantaClaus #rnz #radionz
Amazing interview from Kim Hill with a tobacco shill. She tore him apart. Hilarious stuff. #RadioNZ
Just listened to Kim Hill interview Norman Cook and it was the most wholesome thing.
#fatboyslim #normancook #rnz #radionz #dj
Here's a great interview with one of my heroes Cory Doctorow @pluralistic speaking on #RadioNZ this afternoon. https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018868898/making-sure-creatives-are-getting-the-money-they-re-owed Cory talked about #ChokepointCapitalism, artists' rights, copyright and monopolies from the book he's written with Rebecca Giblin https://law.unimelb.edu.au/about/staff/rebecca-giblin.
#radionz #ChokepointCapitalism