Bluff, New Zealand.
Two photos I took, 17 March. The art deco Foveaux Hotel and a mural facing the hotel lawn. "Good as Gold" - by Shane Walker (Tauranga) featuring Meri Leask, radio operator.
More info at my blog..
#Bluff #NewZealand #ArtDeco #mural #port #Southland #SouthlandNZ #woman #women #face #portrait #community #oysters #maritime #trawler #art #hotel #ShaneWalker #artwork #town #RadioOperator #safety #boat #sea #lighthouse #architecture #building
#bluff #newzealand #artdeco #Mural #port #Southland #southlandnz #woman #women #face #portrait #community #oysters #maritime #Trawler #art #hotel #shanewalker #artwork #town #radiooperator #safety #boat #sea #lighthouse #architecture #Building
@JeriLRyan some from my hashtag list, #Phobos #Deimos
#Plutoisaplanet #moon
#Saturn #planetaryscience
#phobos #deimos #mars #jupiter #plutoisaplanet #moon #lunar #saturn #planetaryscience #planetarysci #geology #volcanoes #exovolcanoes #io #europa #nasa #esa #planetarydefender #space #spacetodon #Astrodon #solarocks #astronomy #SummitsOnTheAir #PortableOps #sota #hamr #hamradio #joinin #followbackfriday #twittermigrant #shortwave #communications #amateurradio #radioamateur #radiooperator #noaa #spaceweatherwoman #skywarn
Well friends and neighbors, it's official:
I've taken my General Class ticket. For now, I'm KI5SMN/AG.
#amateurradio #radioamateur #radiooperator #radio #hamradio
TIL that there is a marked difference in the characteristics of video cable and rf cable.
This means my current dipole antenna is built on inappropriate cable.
Payday is just around the corner, I'll be fixin' up this and some related problems shortly thereafter.
OH I also just failed the first general exam practice test in a run of about 25 or 30; that damn thing still keeps pulling up questions I have not yet seen.
I'll do some more practice tonight, and with coffee in the morning, then it's off to #JohnsonSpaceCenter to take the test at 9am. Cross your fingers and toes, I might need the luck lol
#johnsonspacecenter #amateurradio #hamradio #radiooperator #radioamateur #radio
Dang I'm picking up my local repeater right now on the HackRF One, I've *never* done that.
Conditions are epic over here in SE Texas today.
Also had that fellow Javi down in South America, TI2JS, he was working people all over the eastern hemisphere, and I could hear a couple of them too.
#amateurradio #hamradio #radioamateur #radiooperator #radio
Fockin' hell man, I just couldn't get over it at all, monitoring 10m in my backyard for half an hour on two different channels from a radio with poor selection (antenna too low), so moved back inside and monitored same frequency on the hackrf with the attic antenna and caught a feller calling cq on USB.
So now I've gone and run sufficient power up into the attic, strung up my antenna, and I've got a transceiver ready to go, while I am able to monitor via the other antenna and the hack rf at the foot of the stairs.
CQ, dangit!
#amateurradio #hamradio #10m #radiooperator
Many thanks to sparseMatrix for this very generous offer.
"I just got into a vigorous and refreshing exchange concerning what I will refer to as 'tactical communications readiness'.
The concerns were, to be resilient and flexible with respect to internet and voice communications.
I brought up ham radio.
In the context of that discussion I volunteered to help anyone up their rf electronics game to par for testing for their Ham license.
I also tagged the offer as open to anyone within reach of the message, and it occurred to me that I could still do better:
So with this message to all, I will broaden the reach of that offer.
If you are reading this, and would like to get your amateur radio operator's license, and also would appreciate some amount of guidance and rail greasing, as it were, in this interest - I'm at your service.
Ring the bell :)"
#amateurradio #hamradio #getlicensed #radiooperator
#hackrf #hacktheplanet #electronics #CircuitBending
#amateurradio #hamradio #getlicensed #radiooperator #hackrf #hacktheplanet #electronics #circuitbending
I just got into a vigorous and refreshing exchange concerning what I will refer to as 'tactical communications readiness'.
The concerns were, to be resilient and flexible with respect to internet and voice communications.
I brought up ham radio.
In the context of that discussion I volunteered to help anyone up their rf electronics up to par for testing for their Ham license.
I also tagged the offer as open to anyone within reach of the message, and it occurred to me that I could still do better:
So with this message to all, I will broaden the reach of that offer.
If you are reading this, and would like to get your amateur radio operator's license, and also would appreciate some amount of guidance and rail greasing, as it were, in this interest - I'm at your service.
Ring the bell :)
#amateurradio #hamradio #getlicensed #radiooperator
#hackrf #hacktheplanet
#amateurradio #hamradio #getlicensed #radiooperator #hackrf #hacktheplanet