Maurice Ramirez attended the RADIUM Runway 2023 opening performances and shared these photos from Alameda's exciting new performance venue.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #performance #radium #RadiumRunway #SeaplaneLagoon #TaxiwayMuralProject
#alameda #alamedapoint #performance #radium #radiumrunway #seaplanelagoon #taxiwaymuralproject
test fit, #radium fuel rail, 1.6L, stock intake, damper and regulator with guage on.
ooo she is a tight one, but with the lifting lug removed and the ground relocated, rotating the wire loom - it does fit.
Little break ... then see if she leaks fuel everywhere!
#radium #cars #miata #fuelsystem #fuelrail
#NowPlaying #UlfBilting #ZbigniewKarkowski Recorded at the computer music studio at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden during winter 1987-88 and originally released as an LP by #CarlMichaelVonHausswolff’s groundbreaking #Radium label in 1988.
#nowplaying #ulfbilting #zbigniewkarkowski #carlmichaelvonhausswolff #radium
Radium Baths America's Newest Ecstasy
@fourmiune Oh, and of course, radium water before that. The heath benefits are just as flawed as the #nuclear #hormesis theory!
"In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie made a huge discovery. While studying uraninte, a radioactive mineral high in uranium and ore, they managed to separate out several components. They eventually isolated radium itself and announced the find to the world. The scientific community was elated. This strange element didn’t follow the laws of physics. People immediately hoped to find a medicinal purpose for radium. An experiment in 1911 on horses raised the possibility that radium had anti-aging properties. In 1913, newspaper announced the creation of 'radium water,' which was brewed by pouring water into a container with radium.
"Once this water was released to the public, it took off. RadiThor was especially popular in the 1920’s, when people could buy a 1-ounce bottle for $1. Now, that’s over $15, but customers were eager to reap the proclaimed health benefits. Doctors started prescribing it for everything from high blood pressure to arthritis to sexual impotence. It remained popular for years and radium started appearing in other products. You could even find #toothpaste made from #radium and #thorium. The creator reasoned that since radium glowed in the dark, it could make one’s teeth shine, too. The element even ended up in #chocolate and #bread. Why were people so happy to ingest something we know now is so toxic?
"For one thing, people weren’t totally ignorant about radium’s dangers. In plants where the substance was handled, workers knew to wear lead aprons and other safety equipment, but that was pure radium. The amount of radium in products like Radium Water was very small. Also, when ingested, radium can initially cause the appearance of better health thanks to its stimulation of red blood cells. However, as people would soon realize, even a teeny-tiny amount of radium could do incredible damage over time..."
#nuclear #hormesis #toothpaste #radium #thorium #chocolate #bread
A question for a very neiche type of nerd...
What are the likely consequences of spending your childhood sleeping in a bed with a radium light switch on the bed head?
It was a small plastic switch close to the pillow. I think the radium was in the plastic, not painted on it outside.
Let's see... phosphogypsum.. what does the EPA say? "The waste that is left behind is called phosphogypsum. Most of the naturally-occurring uranium, thorium and radium found in phosphate rock ends up in this waste. " #uranium #radium #thorium
Hmm, maybe I should avoid old alarm #clocks with #radium dials. (radium-226, anyone? Only a half life of about 1000 years...)
Mark your calendars for May 13 to experience the free Art of San Quentin exhibit at the Healing Gardens. Experience visual art, live performances, and video installations. Two free walking tours are available by online reservation, and the spots are filling quickly.
#art #radium #stiizy #alameda #DIgifli #OpenStudios #TaraPilbrow #HealingGarden #HawthornSuites #ArtOfSanQuentin #CalafiaTaqueria #FeatheredOutlaw #TheFiresideLounge #WestEndArtsDistrict
#art #radium #stiizy #alameda #digifli #openstudios #tarapilbrow #healinggarden #hawthornsuites #artofsanquentin #calafiataqueria #featheredoutlaw #thefiresidelounge #westendartsdistrict
#Atom #Quacksalberei #Radium #Wundermittel #Fortschrittsglaube #Atombegeisterung
Nicht neu, aber vom Prinzip her gesehen, aktuell; der Mensch ist manchmal seltsam naiv:
Neben radioaktiven Medikamenten und Hautcremes waren strahlende Produkte vom Atomlabor für Kinder über Radium-Schokolade bis zur Atom-Limonade und Radiumwasser beliebt.
#atombegeisterung #Fortschrittsglaube #Wundermittel #radium #quacksalberei #atom
🎶 Z przyjemnością chciałem zaprezentować swój ostatni utwór o tytule "Move Like a Rebel" w formie wideo. Numer w pozytywnym nastroju, #muzykaelektroniczna #synthwave #futurefunk #electronica #bigbeat 🔥 🔥 🔥
Utwór stworzony przy użyciu oprogramowania #opensource #radium #tracker na #linux. Wideo wykonałem w #blender3d, a grafiki w #inkscape.
#muzyka #nowamuzyka #produkcjamuzyczna #inkscape #blender3d #Linux #tracker #radium #opensource #bigbeat #electronica #futurefunk #synthwave #muzykaelektroniczna
My latest song 🎶 "Move Like a Rebel" video:
The song was created and mixed using #opensource #radium #tracker on #linux. Video made in #blender3d graphics made in #inkscape.
#musicproduction #newmusic #music #electronicmusic #synthwave #futurefunk #electronica #newmusicfriday
#newmusicfriday #electronica #futurefunk #synthwave #electronicmusic #music #newmusic #musicproduction #inkscape #blender3d #Linux #tracker #radium #opensource
The day after tomorrow my #newsong "Move Like a Rebel" will be released 🔥. Originally the song was prepared for the #GrowlFM contest, so its in a #cyberpunk vibe (#Synthwave/#Futurefunk). After improvement, it is my first song that will be available on streaming services. You can #presave the song by clicking here:
The song was created and mixed using #opensource #radium #tracker on #linux #musicproduction
#musicproduction #Linux #tracker #radium #opensource #Presave #synthwave #cyberpunk #growlfm #newsong
The SF Opera presents three free performances of "Bohème Out of the Box" at Alameda Point. Be sure to stay tuned for important weather updates which might affect the shows.
#RADIUM #Alameda #AlamedaPoint #BohèmeOutOfTheBox #SanFranciscoOpera
#radium #alameda #alamedapoint #bohemeoutofthebox #sanfranciscoopera
The AIFF opens tonight!
Alameda International Film Festival presents 45 films along with guest presentations, expert panels, and fantastic parties. Gene Kahane lets us know what we have to look forward to with this year's lineup, starting with 'The Other Fellow.'
Alameda International Film Festival presents 45 films along with guest presentations, expert panels, and fantastic parties. Gene Kahane lets us know what we have to look forward to with this year's lineup, starting with 'The Other Fellow.'
#RADIUM #Alameda #AlamedaTheatre #AlamedaInternationalFilmFestival #ANCHORAlamedaAssociationForArtAndFilm
#radium #alameda #alamedatheatre #alamedainternationalfilmfestival #anchoralamedaassociationforartandfilm
Aaaah, les années 50, son rockabilly, son plein emploi, sa nouvelle modernité, ses femmes élégantes, sa laine au radium... #reclame #1950 #radiations #radium
San Francisco Opera is taking the show out of the house and over to Alameda Point with three free performances of 'Bohème Out of the Box.' Liz Barrett has the details.
#Opera #RADIUM #Alameda #AlamedaPoint #RADIUMRunway #JoseMariaCondemi #BohèmeOutOfTheBox #SanFranciscoOpera
#opera #radium #alameda #alamedapoint #radiumrunway #josemariacondemi #bohemeoutofthebox #sanfranciscoopera
Study of radium behavior in contact with calcium-silicate-hydrates #radium #radioisotopes #energy
#radium #radioisotopes #energy
‘As chemist Christina Digiulio approached the pumping station near Chester, “My Geiger counter started going crazy…” ’
The industry has tried to conceal it, but #fracking brings both #radium and #radon up to the surface. To the long list of known health and environmental hazards for humans, pets, and wildlife — which government and the industry try to minimize — we can now add Digulio's evidence that the #radioactivity problem is an enormous hazard.
#fracking #radium #radon #radioactivity