Maurice Ramirez attended the RADIUM Runway 2023 opening performances and shared these photos from Alameda's exciting new performance venue.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #performance #radium #RadiumRunway #SeaplaneLagoon #TaxiwayMuralProject
#alameda #alamedapoint #performance #radium #radiumrunway #seaplanelagoon #taxiwaymuralproject
Three shipping containers at Seaplane Lagoon, part of WEAD's Taxiway Mural project and RADIUM Runway, were painted with colorful murals entitled "Life of Flight." Maurice Ramirez captured the artists and their work with his photos.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #LifeOfFlight #mural #PabloRaizArroyo #PanchoPescador #RadiumRunway #SeaplaneLagoon #WestEndArtsDistrict
#alameda #alamedapoint #lifeofflight #Mural #pabloraizarroyo #panchopescador #radiumrunway #seaplanelagoon #westendartsdistrict
RADIUM Runway is back for a second season with an expanded schedule including a wide array of bands, vocalists, performers, and dancers. The August 26 Grand Opening celebration includes a free, family-friendly afternoon of music and food, followed by a concert.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #dance #FamilyActivities #music #performance #RadiumRunway
#alameda #alamedapoint #dance #familyactivities #music #performance #radiumrunway
San Francisco Opera is taking the show out of the house and over to Alameda Point with three free performances of 'Bohème Out of the Box.' Liz Barrett has the details.
#Opera #RADIUM #Alameda #AlamedaPoint #RADIUMRunway #JoseMariaCondemi #BohèmeOutOfTheBox #SanFranciscoOpera
#opera #radium #alameda #alamedapoint #radiumrunway #josemariacondemi #bohemeoutofthebox #sanfranciscoopera