@strahlenschutz : wieso ist #Radon eigtl. nicht auf eurem Motivationsbildchen? :das nächstgrößere #Lungenkrebs|risiko nach TabakRauchen? - und fast überall aus dem Boden in die zunehmend oben-dichteren Häuser quellend und sich ansammelnd?
Interestingly – and given my increasing and yet still rather limited sample size – it seems radon levels are higher during rain.
(I got a real-time radon sensor a little while back to see what the levels are like in our 70-year-old rental house. Spoiler: they’re not great but they’re within Irish safety limits. Not that there’s any safe level of radon, from what I’ve read.)
Friends: Why so depressed? Typical, real headline: "Florida Bill Allowing Radioactive Roads Made of Potentially Cancer-Causing Mining Waste Signed by DeSantis"
#radon #gas #emitting #roads in #Florida #phosphogypsum #stack #toxic #construction #material #hazardous #mining #waste #DeathSantis #deadly #governor #presidential #candidate #culture #war #king #wants #cancerous #radioactive #streets https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-radioactive-roads-phosphogypsum-potentially-cancer-causing-mining-waste-bill-signed-ron-desantis/
#radon #gas #emitting #roads #florida #phosphogypsum #stack #toxic #construction #material #hazardous #mining #waste #deathsantis #deadly #governor #presidential #candidate #culture #war #king #wants #cancerous #radioactive #streets
#DeSantis signs bill allowing new roads to be built with mining waste linked to cancer | The Hill
#desantis #infrastructure #mining_waste #radioactive_gas #radon
Kaijune 2023 #3: Rodan.
First time drawing Rodan. First time drawing most of these creatures, really. Not particularly happy with how he turned out. Texture's all wrong.
#kaijune2023 #kaijune #kaiju #rodan #radon
#kaijune2023 #kaijune #kaiju #rodan #radon
apparently the mechanism was that the α radiation lowers the #dielectric breakdown of the combustion mixture. #radon did the same thing to the air in Marie Curie's lab
Did you know lung #cancer caused by #Radon exposure kills twice as many people in #Ireland than road accidents every year?
(I didn’t until I stumbled onto it this week.)
Anyway, so I got one of these little Ecoblu sensors that gives real-time readings and the levels were fine in the bedroom on Tuesday until we got woken up at 4AM with an alarm when it exceeded 200 becquerels (Bq/m³). Cracked open a window last night and levels were ok this morning.
Learn more:
#Rain test for #radon washout. Unfortunately it is inconclusive. There will likely be more rain so I will try again 🙂 #radioactivity
RT @SNPAmbiente: 🤔Perchè iscriversi alla newsletter di #AmbienteInforma?
🤩Perchè ogni settimana trattiamo svariati temi d'interesse trasversale riguardanti l'ambiente.
Nel numero di oggi parliamo di #radon, #balneazione, rifiuti, ma anche corsi e convegni scientifici
#AmbienteInforma #radon #balneazione
#Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive and odorless gas, which can be hazardous. Here's what you need to know.
RT @marek_ruscak
Zajímá vás radon? Pokud ano, měli byste vědět o vysoké úrovni radonu v některých částech České republiky. Sledujte toto vlákno pro informace o tom, co je radon, jak může ovlivnit vaše zdraví a jak se mu můžete vyhnout. #radon @SUJBofficial
Airthings sensors are almost literally lifesavers.
Discovered that having the door closed in the bedroom was likely restricting airflow. Saw this occurring consistently at night due to a Wave Mini.
High VOCs may cause unfavorable symptoms like headaches, so glad to have figured it out and will never live somewhere without VOC and radon sensors again.
#airthings #voc #airquality #sensor #radon
Du #radon dans les Deux-Sèvres : https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/bressuire/les-deux-sevres-tres-concernees-par-le-radon-un-gaz-qui-peut-provoquer-le-cancer
So after using my new #Airthings Wave #radon detector for over four weeks now, I'm convinced that this product is complete snakeoil. If anyone is thinking of buying one of these expensive devices, don't! Save your money. I wrote an #Amazon review to help people not be ripped-off.
#Airthings #radon #amazon #snakeoil #ripoff
Samma sak i Bad Gastein, dit många svenskar åker.
Jag har tagit med källvatten därifrån och gjort mätningar. Ja, det är radioaktivt.
Människor som jobbar i dessa kurbad blir nog exponerade för rätt mycket #radon.
ich gebe zu mit Radfahren zu Vaters Zeiten hat das nicht mehr viel gemein, ist aber geil 🤘😎
#Wahoo #Garmin #Radon #paceheads #rouvy
#wahoo #garmin #radon #paceheads #rouvy
España traspone cinco años tarde la directiva europea que obliga a medir y controlar el #radón en viviendas
distribution de dosimètres pour le #radon jusqu’au mercredi 22 février 2023 dans le Gard : https://www.lereveildumidi.fr/soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9/sant%C3%A9/campagne-de-sensibilisation-au-radon-par-le-cpie-du-gard
21 communes du Pays d’Hérault affectées par le #radon ; des kits de mesures sont mis à disposition des habitants : https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/01/18/des-detecteurs-de-gaz-radon-mis-a-disposition-des-habitants-10932903.php