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stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
285 followers · 1530 posts · Server

I chose OS lite to get a fresh, fast, and clean . It was not only recommended, but I wanted to use ratger than using .

This gave me more storage space, and I also knew what was already installed.

This also solved one of my problems when I used with and .

I had a "mcu error," which I never could get a solution for. I had to restart my printer and Klipper repeatedly until they finally would connect.

This was solved by following the and docs and installing the Raspberry Pi MCU firmware.

These problems are now solved.

And damn, is this blazing fast.

Although I did clean my fan and heatsink and decided to my Raspberry Pi, the UI is so responsive I can live without my printer screen.


#raspbian #radpberrypi #kiauh #mainsailos #klipper #octoprint #octoklipper #mainsail #overclock #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
285 followers · 1524 posts · Server

Has anyone had any experience with and using one-wire sensors like the DS18B20?

I am currently using it on my via the Enclosure Plugin, but I want to switch to a 100% Klipper setup.

Ideally, I want to read the sensor value and send it to a broker for my to use.

The reason why I need the ESP32, is because the dimmer I use for my heating lamps uses phase modulation and the dimmer has an extra pin for an interrupt on the phase, which the Raspberry Pi doesn't support.

I could possibly just move the sensor to the ESP32 completely, but I currently have a custom , which would require me to change my wiring completely.


#klipper #moonraker #radpberrypi #octoprint #mqtt #esp32 #pcb #3dprinting

Last updated 1 year ago