Really smart of #RAFFWU to get word out there like this.
(that's right. i'm a solidarity supporter. nbd. 😎)
Happy 6th birthday to RAFFWU
“With many campaigns on numerous fronts it was great to pause and reflect on how much has been achieved in our 6th year.”
#solidarity #standupfightback #raffwu
Sign and boost to push back against the federal government undermining the BOOT test for our most underpaid workers!
Thank you Retail and Fast Food Workers Union for standing strong for workers rights.
#raffwu #workersrights #auspol #joinyourunion
Labors Bill they are trying to ram through parliament will leave #Raffwu with no bargaining power. Sorry for the source but I did fact check the article.
If any #RAFFWU members are here please message me, I’m trying to organise a response to the removal of covid iso payments.