"'You're the lube in my chain': A RAGBRAI #wedding" https://ragbrai.com/youre-the-lube-in-my-chain-a-ragbrai-wedding-at-the-craft-beer-tent/ by Courtney Crowder, co-director of “Shift: The RAGBRAI Documentary."
More of Courtney's reports on the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (#RAGBRAI), which celebrated 50 years in 2023. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/search/?q=courtney+crowder
#BikeTooter #Midwest #Iowa #Community #SmallTown #bicycling #cycling
#wedding #ragbrai #BikeTooter #midwest #iowa #community #smallTown #Bicycling #cycling
#biketooter #iowa #RAGBRAI #RAGBRAI2023 What an epic week crossing the state by bicycle.
#BikeTooter #iowa #ragbrai #ragbrai2023
Bikes rolling through Buffalo Iowa, after nearly 500 miles of tough riding in the heat.
#biketooter #iowa #RAGBRAI #bicycle
#bicycle #ragbrai #iowa #BikeTooter
Hope everyone at #RAGBRAI managed to weather the storm. After the 100+ week.
Century Day is behind us, but today could be hellishly hot. #RAGBRAI #BikeTooter
My sympathies for all the #ragbrai riders dealing with this heat. :NekoSweat: :fuego:
Incredibly indescribably incandescently jealous of all the freaks and weirdos doing #RAGBRAI this week
World's biggest recreational bike ride begins anew for golden anniversary trek across Iowa
There are 20,000 registered weeklong riders, and another 9,000 that have secured day passes. But they are joined by thousands more who crash the ride, which means there could be more than 50,000 on the road some days this week.
Get ready for more traffic jams.
Or just go slowly and enjoy the ride.
Hills day unlocked. #RAGBRAI #RAGBRAI2023 #BikeTooter #ChiBike
#ragbrai #ragbrai2023 #BikeTooter #chibike
#Ragbrai is in town today. It's raining, and this group doesn't appear to be prepared for it.
I'm finally putting in some real miles. The plan is to do a ~50 mile ride to the north on Saturday. #RAGBRAI is approaching.
I'm telling you guys, booze is good for exercise. @qwerty @Rudy @dmargalus @achmorrison https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/06/work-out-exercise-alcohol-tipsy-drunk.html?ref=thebrowser.com
Just found out that #ragbrai ends in Davenport on the same day as the Bix.
I guess we are going to Moline for Whitey’s Ice Cream!