Internet Rage Baiting Techniques to Watch Out For
The Motte and Bailey
Scissor Statements
The Flaming Strawman
Conflict Entrepreneurs
Context Collapse
Context Creep
The Trigger Chain
Threat Picking
Phantom Panic
I wasn't aware of the names but I recognise the descriptions. If we recognise them early we're less likely to get sucked in.
#mastodon #twitter #rageBaiting
#mastodon #twitter #ragebaiting
@janum @TwisterMc this would actually make me NOT hide my dock. (happy to see you have it at the bottom of your display, though; not like those monsters that put it on the side… #rageBaiting #totallyKidding)
Be wary more of the puppet master pulling the strings than the flopping puppet, more of the organ grinder than the dancing bear.
#knownothingparty #Affentheater #ragefarming #ragebaiting