The truth about Nigel Farage's elite bank account has finally came out, he doesn't meet the wealth threshold any longer so they've fucked him right off. 😆
#NigelFarage #Potless #Skinto #Raging #ToffWannabe
#toffwannabe #raging #skinto #potless #nigelfarage
Explosive ist Geschichte! Volcanic kommt zurück!
Der unter vielen WoW Spielern verhasste Mythic+ Affix "Explosive" ist offenbar Geschichte, wie Blizzard nun verkündete wird es den Affix ab Season 2 von Dragonflight nicht mehr geben, dafür kommt aber der zuvor bereits abgeschaffte "Volcanic" Affix wieder zurück. Zuletzt war der "Explosive" Affix mehrfach angepasst worden, und das meist
#WorldofWarcraft #Affix #Explosive #Raging #Shielding #Volcanic #WoW
#wow #volcanic #shielding #raging #explosive #affix #worldofwarcraft
#Tory #Rebels #Raging Over #Windsor #Framework Vote!
#tory #rebels #raging #windsor #Framework
I have ZERO ideas what this woman is talking about.
And I am 100% okay with that.
She sure is fed up with something, though. #Raging
56% of Republicans believe in this shit.
Just realised I can't watch any more of Slow Horses season 2 until Friday. #Raging
Unpick and really look at this data and tell me its OK in this day and age #raging
I’m an expert – here’s why some people get raging hangovers – and how you can fix it » Thewtcho #expert #heres #some #people #raging #hangovers #thewtcho #21agosto
#21agosto #TheWtcho #hangovers #raging #people #some #heres #expert
Firefighters make further progress to contain raging Oak fire near Yosemite | California | The Guardian #firefighters #make #further #progress #contain #raging #fire #near #yosemite #california #guardian #30luglio
#30luglio #guardian #california #yosemite #near #fire #raging #contain #progress #further #make #firefighters
Pavement parking is SUCH an act of selfishness. #raging
Pavement parking is SUCH an act of selfishness. #raging
Just opened this bag of crisps. I haven't eaten any. This was how many there were #raging
The chance of a bug being resolved should be proportional to the number of people being pissed off by it, right?
This one was raised in 2009. It is still there in 2021.
MySQL Workbench looks like a game of Minecraft on a HiDPI monitor.
Now I have another reason to rage about MySQL ;)
Also: I only use Workbench for drawing DB diagrams, because DBeaver s*cks at it.
#workbench #hidpi #raging #mysql #bugs
SELECT *, 'xyz' AS xyz FROM table1;
MSSQL: OK, here you go.
MySQL: OK, here you go.
SELECT 'xyz' AS xyz, * FROM table1;
MSSQL: OK, here you go.
MySQL: Are you out of your mind? This is a syntax error, gtfo!
Kill. Me. Now.