Frage an die #Gartenbubble :
In meinem Mini-Gärtchen darf normalerweise auch alles wachsen, was sich selbst vermehrt hat oder was als Samen von Insekten + Vögeln angeschleppt wurde.
Jetzt wachsen da aber zwei Pflanzen heran, die mich misstrauisch machen:
Ist das #Ambrosia ( #Ragweed )?
Beschreibung stimmt größtenteils - Blattunterseite grün, leicht behaarte Stengel - aber die Blütendolden sind weißlich statt gelblich.
Soll ich die nun im Restmüll entsorgen - oder bin ich paranoid?
#Gartenbubble #ambrosia #ragweed
Wenn ich die #Polleninformationen mit den #Symptomen in meinen Nebenhöhlen richtig kombiniere kann ich #Ragweed neu auf meine Liste setzen
#polleninformationen #symptomen #ragweed #allergie
The highly #invasive common #ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia has spread from North America to Europe, Asia and other regions. - A very effective biological #control agent, the ragweed flea beetle (Ophraella communa) has been accidentally introduced into Europe and Asia and spreads rapidly - article in Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2023, vol. 25 (2), pp. 165-185) by Sándor Keszthelyi and others -
A patch of flowering #ragweed. Ragweed is a common name for many species of flowering plants in the Americas, but they all make allergy sufferers flinch in response.
#flowers, #plants, #ragweed, #yellow, #YellowFlowers, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo
#ragweed #flowers #plants #yellow #yellowflowers #photograph #photography #photo
Global News BC: Allergy season will be short but ‘bad’ in Canada this year, experts predict #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #whendoesallergyseasonstart #climatechangeallergies #allergyseasonCanada #whenisallergyseason #allergyseason2023 #isitallergyseason #hayfeversymptoms #allergysymptoms #hayfeverseason #AllergySeason #allergies #Hayfever #Ragweed #Canada #Health #Pollen
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #whendoesallergyseasonstart #climatechangeallergies #allergyseasoncanada #whenisallergyseason #allergyseason2023 #isitallergyseason #hayfeversymptoms #allergysymptoms #hayfeverseason #allergyseason #Allergies #hayfever #ragweed #Canada #health #pollen
This toot post reminds me of the time I stopped at a field and picked a lovely bouquet of yellow flowers for my wife.
She absolutely loved them.
Unfortunately, it was ragweed, and she is deathly allergic to ragweed, which we did not know, and we had a severe medical emergency. She took a heavy whiff to smell them. She spent a couple days in the hospital over it.
The actual bouquet images of me holding them in the car after picking them.
Not so tiny #tinosaurs scratching for sunflower seeds I'd spread along the driveway and into my #ragweed patch. Beard goals.
#ornithology #birding #WildTurkey #birds #birdsofmastodon #Oklahoma
#tinosaurs #ragweed #ornithology #birding #wildturkey #birds #birdsofmastodon #Oklahoma
#Ragweed in November #Nature #NaturePhotography
#ragweed #nature #naturephotography