They did use CGI to remove the reflection of the snake from #RaidersOfTheLostArk. Which kind of makes it less enjoyable as a viewing experience. Imagine if they'd remove the #WilhelmScream because it sounds fake.
#raidersofthelostark #wilhelmscream #indianajones
Abenteurer aufgepasst! Die Finanzierung meines neuen Buches ist gestartet und wartet auf eure Gunst.
Frösche über alles!
#kunst #drawing #comics #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #jaegerdesverlorenenschatzes #creative #kreativeideen #cineasta
#cineasta #kreativeideen #creative #jaegerdesverlorenenschatzes #raidersofthelostark #indianajones #comics #drawing #kunst
I'm watching Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) #RaidersOfTheLostArk #trakt
No matter how often I watch it, when Indiana Jones shows up at the top of the ridge for the truck chase, i laugh for 20 minutes until the dog gets hit with the melon #raidersofthelostark
Indiana Jones, 1981 Topps style, in honor of Harrison Ford’s birthday today
#harrisonford #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #baseballcards #cardart
#harrisonford #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #baseballcards #cardart
As the events in #RaidersoftheLostArk took place in 1936 and Pan Am only launched the transcontinental passenger service in late October of that year, he would’ve been among the first people to fly commercially across the Pacific Ocean.
As the events in #RaidersoftheLostArk took place in 1936 and Pan Am only launched the transcontinental passenger service in late October of that year, he would’ve been among the first people to fly commercially across the Pacific Ocean.
It would’ve been 59 hours of flight time just to Manila, over five days, made four overnight stops and cost $950 one-way (or $21,000 today).
However, he wouldn’t have been on the type of #plane shown.
Yes, two #AllanQuatermain #Movies were made a few years after #RaidersOfTheLostArk, but of course Quatermain isn't an #IndianaJones #RipOff. Jones was partly inspired by Quatermain. Those #RichardChamberlain movies merely rode the popularity of Raiders, like every #Superhero #Movie today tries to ride the hot trend.
#allanquatermain #movies #raidersofthelostark #indianajones #ripoff #richardchamberlain #superhero #movie
Kotaku: Now’s A Great Time To Play This Classic Indiana Jones Adventure Game #gaming #tech #kotaku #indianajonesandthelastcrusadethegraphicadventure #indianajonesandthefateofatlantis #indianajonesandthelastcrusade #monkeyisland2lechucksrevenge #thesecretofmonkeyisland #raidersofthelostark #atlantisinfiction #videogamesequels #lucasfilmgames #adventuregames #sophiahapgood #indianajones #windowsgames #harrisonford
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #indianajonesandthelastcrusadethegraphicadventure #indianajonesandthefateofatlantis #indianajonesandthelastcrusade #monkeyisland2lechucksrevenge #thesecretofmonkeyisland #raidersofthelostark #atlantisinfiction #videogamesequels #LucasfilmGames #adventuregames #sophiahapgood #indianajones #windowsgames #harrisonford
From my vintage collection: Indiana Jones! 🤠💜 My favorite piece here is the sealed 12 inch figure by Kenner (1981). #80s #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #thelastcrusade #templeofdoom #vintagetoys #retrotoys #80spopculture
#80s #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #thelastcrusade #templeofdoom #vintagetoys #retrotoys #80spopculture
You know who the most underused character in modern cinema history is? Jock (and his pet snake).
One scene and gone!
Bring back Jock!
#indianajones #raidersofthelostark
It's part of the pattern established in Raiders that at the end these films show the full power of the relic (hinted at early on) and ask you to just go with it. We also see the villain fatally miscalculating in some way.
#DialofDestiny follows suit - awe-inspiring and ridiculous, as an Indy finale should be. I couldn't disagree more with those who reckon it 'went too far'.
#IndianaJones #IndianaJonesandtheDialofDestiny #RaidersoftheLostArk
#dialofdestiny #indianajones #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #raidersofthelostark
@gruber Probably you’ve seen this, but it seems right up your alley: #Spielberg #IndianaJones #RaidersOfTheLostArk #Soderbergh
#soderbergh #raidersofthelostark #indianajones #spielberg
An #introduction by way of as many hashtags as appropriate: #artist through education, #author who is #writing. #music degree, #bowie fan, #ps5 enthusiast, #fanedits and video editing, #cardgame and #boardgame designer.
All #art, #books, #video, #fanedit, #music, #story and #comics can be found at
I wrote a #novel about the effect of #DavidBowie on a time traveller. Then a #scifi #spaceopera novel about a band of women mercenaries fighting psychic vampires. Then I wrote a novel about either #autism or an android getting certified as human.
Currently writing a #TTRPG for no good reason, other than I have it in my mind ever since the ‘incident’. Watching a lot of #action, #martialart, and #anime as resource. Also building a mass of reference material for a #fantasy novel.
Learning #piano, but no longer #composing. That is all in
Playing a lot of #PS5, finally getting to grips with #CallOfDuty #MW2. Replaying #TheLastOfUs and #Uncharted periodically.
#LastExile #GhostInTheShell #TwinPeaks
The Grand Budapest Hotel by #WesAnderson
Only Lovers Left Alive by #JimJarmusch
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by #BenStiller
#FightClub by David Fincher
#Bladerunner 2049 by #DenisVilleniueve
#RaidersoftheLostArk by #StevenSpielberg
Chappie by #NeilBlomkamp
#JohnWick: Parabellum by #ChadStahelski
#Serenity by Joss Whedon
#introduction #artist #author #writing #music #bowie #ps5 #fanedits #cardgame #boardgame #art #books #video #fanedit #story #comics #novel #davidbowie #scifi #spaceopera #autism #ttrpg #action #martialart #anime #fantasy #piano #composing #callofduty #mw2 #thelastofus #uncharted #3tvseries #lastexile #ghostintheshell #twinpeaks #9films #WesAnderson #jimjarmusch #benstiller #fightclub #bladerunner #denisvilleniueve #raidersofthelostark #stevenspielberg #neilblomkamp #johnwick #chadstahelski #serenity
The thing that struck me the first time I saw #TempleOfDoom, aside from the poor guy getting his heart torn out, was the multilingual skill #IndianaJones exhibited. When he and Short Round argued in Cantonese and English in India, then when Indy started reciting the Hindu chant to activate the Sankara Stones, I thought that was the most fantastic thing ever.🙂
Then I saw #RaidersOfTheLostArk and Beloq was multilingual.🙄
(Barely see heroes speak Spanish in the US)
#IndianaJonesandtheTempleofDoom #raidersofthelostark #indianajones #templeofdoom
Gizmodo: Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny Whips Up a Muted Box Office #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #rubygillmanteenagekraken #entertainmentculture #raidersofthelostark #missionimpossible #indianajonesfilms #indianajones #harrisonford #rubygillman #blockbuster #oppenheimer #warnerbros #dreamworks #imaxfilms #destiny #netflix #disney #jones #films #dial #thr
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #rubygillmanteenagekraken #entertainmentculture #raidersofthelostark #missionimpossible #indianajonesfilms #indianajones #harrisonford #rubygillman #blockbuster #oppenheimer #warnerbros #dreamworks #imaxfilms #destiny #netflix #disney #jones #films #dial #thr
Gizmodo: Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny Whips Up a Muted Box Office #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #rubygillmanteenagekraken #entertainmentculture #raidersofthelostark #missionimpossible #indianajonesfilms #indianajones #harrisonford #rubygillman #blockbuster #oppenheimer #warnerbros #dreamworks #imaxfilms #destiny #netflix #disney #jones #films #dial #thr
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #rubygillmanteenagekraken #entertainmentculture #raidersofthelostark #missionimpossible #indianajonesfilms #indianajones #harrisonford #rubygillman #blockbuster #oppenheimer #warnerbros #dreamworks #imaxfilms #destiny #netflix #disney #jones #films #dial #thr
Just watched #IndianaJones and the #DialOfDestiny. Pretty enjoyable film overall, though somewhat pointless as an epilogue, when we already had #KingdomOfTheCrystalSkull for that.
I'll give it a 7/10, considering that for me #RaidersOfTheLostArk is an 8.5/10, #TempleOfDoom is a 6, #LastCrusade is a 10 and Kingdom is a 7 also.
#indianajones #dialofdestiny #kingdomofthecrystalskull #raidersofthelostark #templeofdoom #lastcrusade