I couldn't help but think of our own railway system at home.
Braving torrential rain and thunder, demonstrators marched from the office headquarters of Hellenic Train in #Athens to the Greek parliament, chanting “this crime will not be forgotten”.
Many were as young as the vast majority of those killed in the collision between a passenger train and a freight train.
#GreekTrainCrash: anger grows as officials admit #RailNetwork problems | #Greece | The Guardian
#greece #railnetwork #greektraincrash #athens
On Track: Digitale Schiene Deutschland Building #DigitalTwin of #RailNetwork in NVIDIA #Omniverse | NVIDIA Blog #IoT #IIoT #Transportation #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE ⬅️ yes, and an emphasis on safety seems to be missing; the human element in both railway employees and passengers should be highlighted as well #IoTPL #IoTCL https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2022/09/20/deutsche-bahn-railway-system-digital-twin/
#digitaltwin #railnetwork #omniverse #iot #iiot #transportation #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
On Track: Digitale Schiene Deutschland Building #DigitalTwin of #RailNetwork in NVIDIA #Omniverse | NVIDIA Blog #IoT #IIoT #Transportation #SensorAnalyticsEcosystem #SensAE ⬅️ yes, and an emphasis on safety seems to be missing; the human element in both railway employees and passengers should be highlighted as well #IoTPL #IoTCL https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2022/09/20/deutsche-bahn-railway-system-digital-twin/
#digitaltwin #railnetwork #omniverse #iot #iiot #transportation #sensoranalyticsecosystem #sensae #IoTPL #IoTCL
Treno urtato da una gru, deraglia sulla Savona - Torino nel Cuneese, dieci feriti lievi, interrotta la linea ferroviaria. INTOLLERABILE 🚂🚂🚂
#italia #dailycommute #railnetwork #publictransport #commute #train
#italia #dailycommute #railnetwork #publictransport #commute #train