BART, like Caltrain, kinda still looks like a refugee from the 1960's... because it is. But some of the BART stations are strikingly beautiful, especially at night. This is Colma Station, taken from its own parking garage.
#bart #trainphotography #trains #railphotography
BART, like Caltrain, kinda still looks like a refugee from the 1960's... because it is. But some of the BART stations are strikingly beautiful, especially at night. This is Colma Station, taken from its own parking garage.
#bart #trainphotography #trains #railphotography
@the_rail_life @petra_bohemica Oh, and I always ride in the upper deck. But I do wish Caltrain would wash the windows once in awhile.
#Caltrain #trainphotography #trains #railphotography
@the_rail_life @petra_bohemica I've confess to an indifference to the American commuter lines as being utilitarian, leftovers from the freight industry. But you make good points. Maybe I just need to be looking with less cynical eyes? 🤔
Caltrain will be seeing a huge change in a few months as they replace their fleet of F-40's and Nippon Sharyo / Bombardier stock with custom-manufactured all-electric trains. The appearance of the new trains was selected by a rider poll back in 2019, and they *do* look pretty kool.
#Caltrain #trainphotography #trains #railphotography
I love trains, and I love commuting to The City on Caltrain. But American passenger trains are just so mundane when compared to the European and Japanese counterparts. Caltrain's newer cars are slightly less so. @petra_bohemica
#Caltrain #trainphotography #trains #railphotography
Für mich ist der Gare du Nord der schönste der Kopfbahnhöfe in Paris. Im vierten Bild gut zu erkennen, die Schengen-und-EU-Außengrenze am Eurostar-Terminal ins nur 2,5h entfernte London.
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Für mich ist der Gare de Nord der schönste der Kopfbahnhöfe in Paris. Im vierten Bild gut zu erkennen, die Schengen-und-EU-Außengrenze am #Eurostar ins nur 2,5h entfernte London.
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Kitchener Station, early morning, Wednesday, January 4, 2022. #railphotography #Metrolinx
Kitchener Station, early morning, Wednesday, January 4, 2022. #railphotography #Metrolinx