Good thing #Biden threatened the railway workers w/ prison time to stop the #RailroadUnions safety strike. Something bad might have happened if they forced the rail company to take more safety precautions. 🤡 #RailRoads #OhioTrainDisaster #OhioChernobyl #OhioChemicalDisaster
#biden #railroadunions #railroads #ohiotraindisaster #ohiochemicaldisaster #OhioChernobyl
I rode down the road of railing against the Democrats railroading the railroad workers who rowed against the tide. Rude? No, I'm just keeping it real. #RailroadWorkers #RailroadStrike #Workers #RailroadUnions
#railroadunions #workers #railroadstrike #railroadworkers
@flexghost It’s almost like Joe Biden is a neoliberal gatekeeper and is doing the bare minimal to placate his progressive base while making sure the system that relies on incrementally siphoning capital from an increasingly anemic middle class remains intact or something.
#unionize #railroadunions #strike
I support #Railroad workers and #railroadunions. They deserve decent wages and paid sick leave
What Biden and Congress should do is force the most worker-friendly contact that was ever proposed during these railroad negotiations into effect. Screw over billionaires like Warren Buffett, not workers living paycheck to paycheck.
They probably won't because we haven't successfully purged the Clinton era "Third Way" pro corporate people from the Democratic Party yet.
It's a damn shame that a rail enthusiast like Biden would screw over rail workers when they need him most. #railroadunions
With a strike looming, railroad unions and management head back to negotiating table
#freightrailstrike #transportation #railroadunions #management
#freightrailstrike #transportation #railroadunions #management