Given that Biden made it illegal for the #RailroadWorkers to strike, it's rich that Buttigieg is now "shocked" that #NorfolkSouthern gives exactly zero shits about the risk to children's lives.
Remember: one of the concerns of railroad workers was the length of the trains. See: constant derailments.
This could have been addressed, the government didn't want that to happen.
#norfolksouthern #railroadworkers
#Railroadworkers and #union reps from the US, UK, and France discuss the #classstruggle in their respective countries and how these struggles are connected internationally in this special episode of the ‘Working People’ podcast.
#railroadworkers #union #classstruggle
When I think about the rail derailment in OH, I can't help but think of the ways that this disaster is the perfect storm of crumbling infrastructure, an unsafe industry stuck in the early 20th century, terrible environmental policy, awful labor practices, and class warfare.
Both Dems & GOP are on the hook for their policy decisions leading to this.
Who's going to tell that truth?
#NorfolkSouthern #safety
#uspol #railroadworkers #railway #environment #norfolksouthern #safety
I recommend reading this piece by More Perfect Union.
These companies spend money lobbying for fewer regulations--and they get their way and fatter pockets. Meanwhile, we keep seeing more derailments--there were two on Monday alone!--more environmental destruction, and more suffering.
#ohio #railroadstrike #railroadworkers
There's an update to the QZ piece, and, will you look at this: this has happened before, the EPA has covered for the railroad companies before, and the residents/the public have paid with their health/lives for the big honchos' profits.
#EnvironmentalDisaster #Ohio #RailroadWorkers
#railroadworkers #ohio #environmentaldisaster
The braking system in the railroads that carry so-called 'bomb trains' (like the one that derailed in #Ohio this week), date to the U.S. Civil War. That's one hundred and sixty years ago.
Look who gets the money and who dies over it:
#environmentaldisaster #railroadworkers #uspolitics #ohio
From twitter:
"There are videos of folks in East Palestine who lost all of their livestock (chickens) and dead fish in the rivers they say is safe to drink. A reporter was assaulted by police, but you know it's safe. 55 billion dollar train company casually causing death and destruction."
This is an environmental disaster that will affect millions in short order.
#Ohio #NorfolkSouthern #RailroadWorkers
#railroadworkers #norfolksouthern #ohio
People were forced to leave their pets and other animals in the town--where they're now dying en masse.
#Ohio #RailroadWorkers #RailroadStrike #NorfolkSouthern
Reported here:
from twitter:
"five dollars per person for poisoning the air, water, and land of this town. all pets dead, the poisoned water now flowing into the ohio river on its way to the mississippi. five dollars"
#norfolksouthern #railroadstrike #railroadworkers #ohio
This is, apparently, what a "controlled" explosion of the toxic chemicals that the derailed train was pulling, looks like.
The question is: do you trust a word these people are saying? They work for the people who couldn't give days off to #RailroadWorkers to avoid things like this.
(Biden is complicit on this disaster, by the way)
Forcing Railroad Workers to Accept a Contract They've Rejected Is Violence
Coal Train blockaded in Westford, Massachusetts. Blockaders call for: Worker, Community, & Planet Health over CSX Profit
Updates at
#StrikeDownCoal #BuildUpJustice
Solidarity with #RailLabor #RailroadWorkers #UnionStrong
#NoCoalNoGas #strikedowncoal #buildupjustice #raillabor #railroadworkers #unionstrong
Coal Train blockaded in Westford, Massachusetts. Blockaders call for: Worker, Community, & Planet Health over CSX Profit
Updates at
#StrikeDownCoal #BuildUpJustice
Solidarity with #RailLabor #RailroadWorkers #UnionStrong
#NoCoalNoGas #strikedowncoal #buildupjustice #raillabor #railroadworkers #unionstrong
It's important for more of us to become aware of and connected to #Union issues, because the working conditions for all people affect all of us. Prior to 2 months ago, I had no idea about the working conditions of #RailroadWorkers. Now I know something, but it's up to me and others to stay connected.
It's important for more of us to become aware of and connected to #Union issues, because the working conditions for all people affect all of us. Prior to 2 months ago, I had no idea about the working conditions of #RailroadWorkers. Now I know something, but it's up to me and others to stay connected.
Expanding our campaign for public ownership of the railroads
Fighting to consolidate the railroad craft unions to achieve one strong and unified voice at the next round of bargaining — organizing for which begins today!
Funding research, development, and labor education
Building our staff and administrative capacity to meet the needs of a growing membership, and to support member organizing
I’m a Rail Worker, and Biden Screwed Us
We can either deny rail carriers our labor in defiance of long-established laws, or we stand still and keep eating their punches.
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Railroad workers who are fed up with demanding work schedules and disappointed in the contract they received aired their frustrations this week at rallies across the country and in a leadership vote at one of their biggest unions.
The members of the Washington D.C. General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (DC IWW) stand in complete and unbreakable solidarity with railroad workers as they face down a possible strike and standoff with the federal government