Django has auth/perms/roles builtin, works great. Laravel has auth/perms/roles built-in and is fabulous. Spring Boot, Catalyst, similar deals.
Rails has nothing built-in, so a lot of us end up using a 3rd-party POS called Devise that is broken for months at a time blocking other important gem dependency updates. And don't even get me started on those fugly ERB templates.
Is there still nothing better? I DuckDuckGo'd but kept ending up on Devise 😩
#rails devops people, what is your target 1 minute load average for application servers?
Can any of the #Rails nerds on here tell me when everything in the ./lib directory stopped being autoloaded by default?
My gut feeling says version 3.0, but I'm going through a legacy codebase presumably running 3.2 that made that assumption.
👋 If you know folks looking for help on Ruby/Rails projects, I'm available for freelance work right now.
Old app rescues, big upgrades, feature work, you name it, I either truly enjoy doing it or reluctantly became good at it over the years, and now here we are.
I can also do some pretty nifty DIY heat pump installs and home espresso setups but that'll take a bit longer. 😅
DM or to discuss.
PS: double points if you work on climate or science-related work
To allow eager loading scoped associations that require a parameter in my #Ruby on #Rails #ActiveRecord models, I use a global store to provide the info I need. It's a bit clunky, but Preloaders would not allow chaining.
To allow eager loading scoped associations that require a parameter in my #Ruby on #Rails #ActiveRecord models, I use a global store to provide the info I need. It's a bit clunky, but Preloaders would not allow chaining.
To avoid variable leak issues, I added an around action to the top-level controller, clearing the store after each request.
Is this the way to go, or does anyone know a better solution besides Preloaders?
Force ActiveRecord to do use prepared statement for a custom query that use LIKE operator. #Rails
New day, new #SQLite with #Rails post. Today, we look at how to load extensions into our Rails app:…
This is made easy because of the amazing work of Alex Garcia (, who publishes all of his extensions as Ruby gems. Thanks Alex!
DHH: „Open source hooliganism and the TypeScript meltdown“
„Tool religion“ is an old phenomena, people used to riot on the streets for „VI vs Emacs“!
stimulusでselect2変更時のchange actionを定義したい
#qiita #JavaScript #Rails #jQuery #Select2 #Stimulus
#qiita #javascript #rails #jquery #select2 #stimulus
I think it makes sense to define a “stable core set” for #rails. The parts, where it is highly unlikely for DHH to fuck it up (due to the business interests of Microsoft and Shopify):
* Railties/ActionPack/ActionView
* ActiveRecord
* ActiveJob
* ActionMailer
Avoid ActionCable, ActionMailbox, ActionText, ActiveStorage, Hotwire. I’m not sure what to recommend regarding asset pipeline yet…
I think in the The Rails 8 Way, they will all be replaced with alternative gems…
(Inspired by @davetron5000)
Trying to find ways to improve our #Rails CI performance. Started going down the rabbit hole of parallelization. Something about our weird legacy test suite == 🔥💥🔥 when i use turbo_tests or flatware-rspec.
Whatever. Legacy stuff is legacy.
BUT it occurs to me that I probably wouldn't have this problem if the powers-that-be would have let Rails development switch to using rspec years ago to match literally every rails dev who doesn't work at basecamp.
Our first game written on Ruby!
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Can you hit the top score with you Ruby knowledge?
#ruby #rails #Euruko2023 #conference #vilnius
Those of you that think WE have Infrastructure problems, look at the US. They dont even have a clue how to fix the dead end they're in. Fun fact: High speed trains in the US are called "bullet trains". Of course, what else. :-)
#bullettrains #USInfrastructure #rails
#bullettrains #usinfrastructure #rails
Using bind parameters in Active Record for SQL security and performance.
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#qiita #Rails #ActiveStorage
Using FactoryBot for setting up previews for my ViewComponents seems obvious, but I haven’t run across mention of it. Works great! #Rails