Those were from #rails22 - there were a lot more from #ArlisANZ22, starting with
A bit belatedly, here's a combined reading list of books that came up during the recent #rails22 and #ArlisANZ22 conferences. Starting with:
And lastly, Caroline Beatty on the influence of professional library ethics on the management of digital patron data. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Mary Coe's PhD asks how readers make sense of active e-book indexes. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Elizabeth Wells is researching reading aloud to cancer patients to improve their well-being. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Romany Manuell's research is on Oz academic librarians' role in education and training. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Anita Dewi on GLAM placements from 4 perspectives. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Next is Anne-Marie May on Teen Reading in the Digital Era (part Leonie's research team from earlier). #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Bec Muir is researching access ability for people with invisible disabilities. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Next Marian Randall's PhD is on the experiences of Oz prisoners when meeting their legal info needs. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Vanessa Paun is researching physical activity programs in Oz public libraries and how they support healthy aging. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
No previous research on the impact, hence Tamara's research. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Now Tamara Read on the impact of Premier's Reading Challenge programs. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
LAGANZ & Charlotte Museum Trust - independent GLAM institutions in NZ for LGBTTQI+ collections. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Alison Day from Vic Uni Wellington on LGBTTIFQ+ collections in NZ. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Evening (and last) session is the doctoral research showcase. #rails22 #libraries #LIS
See Nick Hopwood's #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Key points: Who's your audience, which journal, follow the journal's author instructions, don't forget the acknowledgements. Kennan #rails22 #libraries #LIS
Now we have a video from Holly Randell-Moon on #rails22 #libraries #LIS