#railsconf just released the recordings of #RailsConf2023 among them you can find me talking about building your software engineering career https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhagIbz3T0A&feature=youtu.be
Here is the video of my #RailsConf talk this year.
Building a world class engineering organization — learning from cave paintings and horsey land art
The video is now up for the mentorship panel I participated in at #RailsConf this past year. It was a pleasure to share the stage with such amazing people. And #RubyConf related news is incoming very soon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXhTh3BUuJE&list=PLbHJudTY1K0cOM1jfOsQLYPTLxQf1Ui1C&index=57&ab_channel=RubyCentral&utm_content=buffer04610&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
#Monitorama and #RailsConf published their recordings within a few days of each other. How am I supposed to get any work done this remaining month?!
#Monitoring #Ruby #RubyOnRails
#monitorama #railsconf #monitoring #ruby #rubyonrails
The #RailsConf2023 videos are AVAILABLE! 🎥 Learn about the speakers and watch their talk via our ATL schedule or on the Ruby Central Youtube. What are your favorite talks? Let us know in the comments! 👇
#RailsConf #rubyfriends #rubyonrails @cloud66
#railsconf2023 #railsconf #rubyfriends #rubyonrails
RubyConf (http://www.rubycentral.org):
🔈🎊 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!🎊 🔈 The RubyConf CFP is now open! 🥳 We are accepting Talks (30-45mins) or Workshops (2 hours). Take a look at this year's conference tracks and submit your proposal today! https://t.co/j7sMA9rOky
#railsconf #cfp #developers #programmer
🔈🎊 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!🎊 🔈 The RubyConf CFP is now open! 🥳 We are accepting Talks (30-45mins) or Workshops (2 hours). Take a look at this year's conference tracks and submit your proposal today! https://sessionize.com/rubyconf-2023/
#railsconf #cfp #developers #programmer
Legal weed has really changed the alcohol math for me. If I want to be a little silly, I would rather just take half an edible at the beginning of the night, drink like two beers while staying on everyone else’s level, and then around midnight be 100% normal again and go to bed.
This really worked out for me at #RailsConf. Also, if you are going to an event, being the guy who has weed is a great way to make friends 😂
Came back from #RailsConf with a new friend from @testdouble
Our CEO saw it, and suggested I name the duck “Ted” due to the “td” lettering.
So now I’ll start all of my rubber duck debugging sessions with, “Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.” 🤣
Action shot from #Atlanta, last week. First time I’ve been for a run with other people. Managed to keep up… just. #railsconf #running #rubyfriends
#atlanta #railsconf #running #rubyfriends
I finally have one of those fancy looking conference speaker photos I always wanted. Thanks to #Railsconf for having awesome photographers taking amazing photos.
Now would be a great time for someone to get in on the ground floor of sponsoring the Rooftop Ruby podcast at a great rate. I can tell you from meeting them at #RailsConf we have a *fantastic* audience.
I can't find the original thread but many of you in the #ruby community including #RailsConf attendees have recently asked us @rubycentral:
How can I help out?
Well, I've added a page to our site describing how you can donate your time or money at rubycentral.org/support.
Also, we've added a give-what-you-like, non-sponsorship donor link as requested by some of you.
LMK what questions or feedback you have!
Just landed back home from #RailsConf and feeling really inspired and empowered!
It's a great time to be a Ruby programmer! ❤️
It was a real pleasant surprise to run into @kobier at #RailsConf! We hadn’t seen each other in years. Hadn’t been at a RailsConf together even longer!
By chance of fates, he was running the video camera for Confreaks in my talk’s room.
The last parting gift of a fun #railsconf… the con crud. A mild cold keeping me down today.
It’s been a hell of a ride back from #RailsConf but I’m 6hrs into this 8hr layover so I’m gonna celebrate with rum