#NorfolkSouthern Spent $1.9M in Washington as #Congress Weakened #Rail Safety Bill
In 6mo since #EastPalestine #derailment, #railway has activated its #lobbyists and spread money around Congress. As Norfolk went on spending spree, #Bipartisan #RailwaySafetyAct stalled in #Senate, due to a lack of sufficient #GOP support. Norfolk Southern spent $797,500 on lobbyists before the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee made its changes to the rail safety bill
#norfolksouthern #congress #rail #eastpalestine #derailment #railway #lobbyists #BiPartisan #railwaysafetyact #senate #gop #lobbying
Anytime a Republican tells you the Dems don’t care for the everyday American…. #ohio #jdvance #vance #rairoads #eastpalestine #gop #republicans #obstruction #republicanobsructionists #railwaysafetyact #thehlll #SherrodBrown https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3886228-bipartisan-rail-safety-bill-runs-into-republican-roadblock?utm_source=hill_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link
#ohio #jdvance #vance #rairoads #eastpalestine #gop #republicans #obstruction #republicanobsructionists #railwaysafetyact #thehlll #SherrodBrown