The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2321 followers · 3774 posts · Server

These are !

Aka or Rainbow Gums.

These are SO unique.

No… kids haven’t been defacing these gums with crayons or fluro-pens.

Their vibrant colours are all natural.

Ive featured these gorgeous before, but have found a number of new pics to share… 👇

These are fair-dinkum real. And they’re absolutely stunning!!

🧐 Known facts about the :

- When a rainbow eucalyptus sheds its bark it reveals a neon green inner layer. Over time, as this layer is exposed to air, it ages into different colors. They display bright reds, oranges, blues, pinks and purples.

- The different colours appear as different layers fall off, while other exposed areas begin aging.

- Rainbow eucalyptus is the ONLY eucalyptus tree native to the .

- They’re found mainly in the Philippines, New Guinea, and Indonesia.

ℹ️ Info sources;

#rainboweucalyptus #eucalyptusdeglupta #gums #rainbowgum #northernhemisphere #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #australia #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1611 followers · 2464 posts · Server

Meet the .

These are unbeliebable.

When a rainbow eucalyptus sheds its bark it reveals a neon green inner layer. Over time, as this layer is exposed to air, it ages into different colors. They display bright reds, oranges, blues, pinks and purples.

The different colours appear as different layers fall off, while other exposed areas begin aging.

Rainbow eucalyptus is the only eucalyptus tree native to the .

It’s found mainly in the Philippines, New Guinea, and Indonesia.

And funny enough, it is not native to !

📷 sources;

#rainboweucalyptus #gums #northernhemisphere #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

ScienceActually · @scienceactually
6 followers · 6 posts · Server

The Rainbow Eucalyptus' trunk and limbs are a variegated display of browns, purples, oranges, reds, and yellows. The colors arise from the unique quality of its bark and the staggered timing with which the bark sheds. Unlike trees such as oaks, which have continually thickening layers of corky bark, eucalyptus trees shed thin layers of bark throughout their lifetimes.

#science #sciencefacts #rainbow #eucalyptus #rainboweucalyptus #brightcolors #colors

Last updated 2 years ago